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person squatting

Illustration: Sam Woolley

Nothing in fitness or health is absolute. Any exercise can have a place in your routine, just as any food can have a place in your diet. What matters is how everything fits together, not whether you include a certain component.

To be fair, we’ve used this phrasing on occasion, but with the goal of helping you understand why an exercise is popular and how you might go about adding it to your life. If you come across a quick video or article simply declaring that you need to do (or avoid) an exercise, there’s a good chance you can ignore that advice.

Are squats the best leg building exercise? They’re certainly a good one, but there are plenty of other ways to build muscle in your legs. Some people would rather do lunges or step-ups, and more power to them.

Are squats the worst leg building exercise? You could make that argument if you wanted—maybe you, personally, have a knee issue that makes squats uncomfortable. Some other leg exercise might be a better substitute for you.

The truth is, you shouldn’t be adding exercises to your routine just because somebody online is excited about them. Make sure any exercise you do makes sense for you.

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