Ethical compliance
Table of Contents
Brain donors were recruited by the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center/NIH NeuroBioBank (HBTRC/NBB), in a community-based manner, across the United States. Human brain tissue was obtained from the HBTRC/NBB. The HBTRC procedures for informed consent by the donor’s legal next-of-kin and distribution of de-identified post-mortem tissue samples and demographic and clinical data for research purposes are approved by the Mass General Brigham Institutional Review Board. Post-mortem tissue collection followed the provisions of the United States Uniform Anatomical Gift Act of 2006 described in the California Health and Safety Code section 7150 and other applicable state and federal laws and regulations. Federal regulation 45 CFR 46 and the associated guidance indicate that the generation of data from de-identified post-mortem specimens does not constitute human participant research that requires institutional review board review.
Donors for snRNA-seq
Donor information with anonymized donor IDs is available in Supplementary Table 1. Consensus diagnosis of schizophrenia was performed by retrospective review of medical records and extensive questionnaires concerning social and medical history provided by family members. Several regions from each brain were examined by a neuropathologist. We excluded participants with evidence for gross and/or macroscopic brain changes, or with clinical history consistent with cerebrovascular accident or other neurological disorders. Participants with Braak stage III or higher (modified Bielchowsky stain) were excluded. None of the participants had substantial reported history of substance dependence within 10 or more years from death, as further corroborated by negative toxicology reports. The absence of recent substance abuse is typical for samples from the HBTRC, which receives exclusively community-based tissue donations.
Exposure to psychotropic and neurotropic medications was assessed on the basis of medical records. Estimated daily milligram doses of antipsychotic drugs were converted to the approximate equivalent of chlorpromazine as a standard comparator51. These values are reported as lifetime, as well as last six months of life, grams per patient. Exposure to other classes of psychotropic drugs was reported as present or absent.
Single-nucleus library preparation and sequencing
We analysed the dlPFC (Brodmann area 46 (BA46)), which exhibits functional and microstructural abnormalities in schizophrenia52,53 and in ageing46. Frozen tissue blocks containing BA46 were obtained from the HBTRC. We used snRNA-seq rather than single-cell RNA-seq to avoid effects of cell morphology on ascertainment, and because nuclear (but not plasma) membranes remain intact in frozen post-mortem tissue. Nuclear suspensions from frozen tissue were generated according to a protocol that we have made available at ( To ensure that batch compositions were balanced, researchers were not blinded to the batch allocation or processing order of each specimen. To maximize the technical uniformity of the snRNA-seq data, we processed sets of 20 brain specimens (each consisting of affected and control donors) at once as a single pooled sample. Specimens were allocated into batches of 20 specimens per batch, ensuring that the same number of cases and age-matched controls (10 per group), and men and women (10 per group) were included in each batch. Some donors were resampled across multiple batches to enable quality-control analyses (Extended Data Fig. 2). Specimens from cases and age-matched controls were also processed in alternating order within each batch. Researchers had access to unique numerical codes assigned to the donor-of-origin of each specimen as well as basic donor metadata (for example, case–control status, age, sex).
From each donor, 50 mg of tissue was dissected from the dlPFC—sampling across the cortical layers and avoiding visible concentrations of white matter—and used to extract nuclei for analysis. Generation of gel beads -in-emulsion and library preparation was performed according to the 10x Chromium Single Nuclei 3′ v3.1 protocol (version CG000204_ChromiumNextGEMSingleCell3’v3.1_Rev D). We encapsulated nuclei into droplets using approximately 16,500 nuclei per reaction, understanding that about 95% of all doublets (cases in which two nuclei were encapsulated in the same droplet) would consist of nuclei from distinct donors and therefore be recognized by the Dropulation analysis7 as containing combinations of SNP alleles from distinct donors. cDNA amplification was performed using 13 PCR cycles.
Raw sequencing reads were aligned to the hg38 reference genome using the standard Drop-seq (v.2.4.1)54 workflow, modified so that reads from C4 transcripts would not be discarded as multi-mapping (see the ‘MetaGene discovery’ section below). Reads were assigned to annotated genes if they mapped to exons or introns of those genes. Ambient/background RNA was removed from digital gene expression (DGE) matrices using CellBender (v.0.1.0)55 remove-background.
Genotyping and donor assignment from snRNA-seq data
We used combinations of hundreds of transcribed SNPs to assign each nucleus to its donor of origin using Dropulation (v.2.4.1)7. Previous Dropulation analyses of stem cell experiments used whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data on the individual donors for such analyses7. For this study, we developed a cost-efficient approach based on SNP array data with imputation. Genomic DNA from the individual brain donors was genotyped by SNP array (Illumina GSA).
Raw Illumina IDAT files from the GSAMD-24v1-0_20011747 array (2,085 samples) and GSAMD-24v3-0-EA_20034606 array (456 samples) were genotyped using GenCall (v.3.0.0)56 and genotypes were phased using SHAPEIT4 (v.4.2.2)57 by processing the data through the MoChA workflow (v.2022-12-21)58,59 ( using the default settings and aligning markers against the GRCh38 genome. APOE genotypes for marker rs429358 were removed due to unreliable genotypes. To improve phasing, genotypes from the McLean cohort were combined with genotypes from the Genomic Psychiatry Cohort with IDAT files available also from the GSAMD-24v1-0_20011747 array (5,689 samples)60. After removing 128 samples recognized as duplicates, phased genotypes were then imputed using IMPUTE5 (v.1.1.5)61 by processing the output data from the MoChA workflow using the MoChA imputation workflow and using the high-coverage 1000 Genomes reference panel for GRCh3862, including 73,452,470 non-singleton variants across all the autosomes and chromosome X. Only SNPs with imputation quality INFO > 0.95 were used for donor assignments. Using this approach, we found that 99.6% of nuclei could be assigned confidently to a donor (Extended Data Fig. 2a).
To evaluate the accuracy of this method of donor assignment, we genotyped a pilot cohort of 11 donors using both WGS and SNP array. Importantly, the two methods had 100% concordance on the assignment of individual nuclei to donors, validating both our computational donor-assignment method and the sufficiency of the SNPs-plus-imputation approach (Extended Data Fig. 2c). SNP data for the individual donors are available at NeMO (
After donor assignment, DGE matrices from all libraries in each batch (7 to 8 libraries per batch) were merged for downstream analyses.
Cell-type assignments
All classification models for cell assignments were trained using scPred (v.1.9.2)63. DGE matrices were processed using the following R and python packages: Seurat (v.3.2.2)64, SeuratDisk (v., anndata (v.0.8.0)66, numpy (v.1.17.5)67, pandas (v.1.0.5)68,69 and Scanpy (v.1.9.1)70.
Cell types
Model training
The classification model used for cell-type assignments was trained on the DGE matrix from batch 6 (BA46_2019-10-16), which was annotated as follows. Nuclei with fewer than 400 detected genes and 100 detected transcripts were removed from the DGE matrix from this batch. After normalization and variable gene selection, the DGE matrix was processed through an initial clustering analysis using independent component analysis (ICA, using fastICA (v.1.2-1))71 as previously described72. This analysis produced clustering solutions with 43 clusters of seven major cell types (astrocytes, endothelial cells, GABAergic neurons, glutamatergic neurons, microglia, oligodendrocytes and polydendrocytes) that could be identified based on expression of canonical marker genes (markers in Supplementary Fig. 1) (note that around 9% of cells within clusters annotated as endothelial cells do not express canonical endothelial cell markers but, rather, those of pericytes; these ~1,400 cells have been grouped together with endothelial cells for downstream analyses). scPred was trained on this annotated DGE matrix, and the resulting model was subsequently used to make cell-type assignments for the remaining batches’ DGE matrices.
After an initial cell-type classification using the above model, the DGE matrices were filtered further to remove any remaining heterotypic doublets missed by scPred. First, raw DGE matrices from each of the 11 batches were subsetted to form separate DGE matrices for each of the 7 major cell types (77 subsetted DGE matrices total). Each subsetted DGE matrix was normalized using sctransform (v.0.3.1)64 with 7,000 variable features, scaling and centring. For each cell type, normalized DGE matrices from the 11 batches were merged and clustered together in Scanpy (v.1.9.1)70 using 50 principal components, batch correction by donor using BBKNN (v.1.5.1)73 and Leiden clustering using a range of resolutions. The most stable clustering resolution for each cell type was selected using clustree (v.0.4.4)74. Clusters expressing markers of more than one cell type were determined to be heterotypic doublets; cell barcodes in these clusters were discarded from the above DGE matrices, and these filtered DGE matrices were then carried forward for integrated analyses across batches.
Neuronal subtypes
Classification models for neuronal subtypes were trained using DGE matrices from a previous study75 that were subsetted to glutamatergic or GABAergic neuron nuclei in middle temporal gyrus (MTG). Although a similar dataset exists for human brain nuclei from the primary motor cortex (M1)76, we trained the model only on the MTG dataset as the M1 lacks a traditional layer 4 (L4), whereas BA46 does have a L4.
The neuronal subtypes in this dataset include glutamatergic neuron subtypes of distinct cortical layers and with predicted intratelencephalic (IT), extratelencephalic (ET), corticothalamic (CT) and near-projecting (NP) projection patterns, as well as the four cardinal GABAergic neuron subtypes arising from the caudal (CGE: LAMP5+, VIP+) and medial (MGE: PVALB+, SST+) ganglionic eminences.
We made the following adjustments to the MTG annotations before model training. First, as subtype-level annotations (for example, L5 IT, as used previously76 for M1) were not available for the MTG dataset, we inferred these based on M1/MTG cluster correspondences (from extended data figure 10 in ref. 76). Second, we reassigned the following glutamatergic neuron types in the MTG from the L4 IT subtype (as inferred by integration with M1 in ref. 76) to the L2/3 IT subtype: Exc L3−5 RORB FILIP1L, Exc L3−5 RORB TWIST2 and Exc L3−5 RORB COL22A1. This was done on the basis of their properties described in other studies—for example, the Exc L3−5 RORB COL22A1 type has been described as a deep L3 type by Patch-seq77—and by the expression of their marker genes on a two-dimensional projection of the RNA-expression profiles of glutamatergic neuron nuclei (Supplementary Fig. 2).
Feature plots for neuronal subtypes (Supplementary Figs. 2 and 3) were generated using markers from the repository in (v1.0, 2020-04-26)75,76,78, specifically those for neuronal subtypes from MTG.
Astrocyte subtypes
Normalized, filtered DGE matrices from the 11 batches were merged and clustered together in scanpy using 8 principal components, batch correction by donor using bbknn73 and Leiden clustering using a range of resolutions. The most stable resolution that created distinct clusters for putative astrocyte subtypes (resolution 1.3) was selected using clustree74. Feature plots for astrocyte subtypes previously described in both the MTG and M175,76 (Extended Data Fig. 9) were generated using markers from the repository at (v.1.0, 2020-04-26)75,76,78. Leiden clusters were assigned to one of three astrocyte subtypes on the basis of expression of these subtype markers.
Donor exclusion
Donors were excluded on the basis of unusual gene-expression profiles and/or cell-type proportions (potentially related to agonal events) as outlined below.
Donors with fewer than 1,000 total UMIs in any cell type were first excluded. Next, for each cell type, gene-by-donor expression matrices comprising the remaining donors were scaled to 100,000 UMIs per donor and filtered to the top expressing genes (defined as having at least 10 UMIs per 100,000 for at least one donor; these were among the top 12–19% of expressed genes). These filtered expression matrices by cell type were merged into a single expression matrix that was used to calculate each donor’s pairwise similarity to the other donors (Pearson correlations of log10-scaled expression values across genes). The median of these pairwise correlation values was determined to be the conformity score for each donor. To identify outliers, these donor conformity scores were converted to modified z scores (Mi) for each donor as described previuously79:
$${M}_{i}=0.6745\,\times \,({x}_{i}-\widetilde{x})/{\rm{MAD}}$$
where xi is the donor’s conformity score, \(\widetilde{x}\) is the median of donor conformity scores and MAD is the median absolute deviation of donor conformity scores.
Donors whose modified z scores had absolute values of >5 were excluded. This approach flagged a total of five donors (one who had low UMI counts and four who were outliers on the basis of expression).
Cell-type proportions
Each donor’s pairwise similarity to the other donors was determined on the basis of cell-type proportions (that is, the values plotted in Supplementary Fig. 1c,d). Donor conformity scores and modified z scores based on these values were calculated for each donor using the same approach described above for expression values. Donors whose modified z scores had absolute values of >15 were excluded. This approach flagged a total of nine donors, two of whom were also flagged as expression outliers.
Between the two approaches, in total, 11 unique donors were flagged as outliers (4 control, 7 schizophrenia) and excluded from downstream analyses.
Latent factor analysis
snRNA-seq data
Our approach was to (1) create a gene-by-donor matrix of expression measurements for each of seven cell types; (2) concatenate these matrices into a larger matrix in which each gene is represented multiple times (once per cell type); and (3) perform latent factor analysis8,80 on this larger matrix. We selected probabilistic estimation of expression residuals (PEER)81 over other approaches (such as principal component analysis (PCA)) for inferring latent variables as it is more sensitive and less dependent on the number of factors modelled. A major pitfall to avoid when performing latent factor analysis is obtaining highly correlated factors due to overfitting. The latent factors that we have inferred are independent from each other when we compare their gene loadings (Extended Data Fig. 3c), enabling us to proceed with downstream analyses based on these factors.
Raw, filtered DGE matrices from each of the 11 batches were subsetted to form separate DGE matrices for each of the 7 major cell types (77 subsetted DGE matrices total). For each subsetted DGE matrix, cell barcodes from outlier donors were excluded, the DGE matrix was normalized using sctransform (v.0.3.1)64 with 3,000 variable features, and the output of Pearson residual expression values (with all input genes returned) was exported to a new DGE matrix. For each cell type, these new expression values in the 11 normalized DGE matrices were summarized across donors (taking the sum of residual expression values) to create a gene-by-donor expression matrix. Each of these expression matrices was filtered to the top 50% of expressed genes (based on feature counts scaled to 100,000 transcripts per donor), yielding expression matrices with approximately 16,000 to 18,000 genes per cell type. Within each expression matrix, each gene name was modified with a suffix to indicate the cell type of origin (for example, ACAP3 to ACAP3_astrocyte), and the seven expression matrices were combined to produce a single expression matrix with expression values from all seven cell types for each donor (a schematic is shown in Fig. 1f). This expression matrix was used as the input to latent factor analysis with PEER (v.1.0)81 using the default parameters and a range of requested factors k.
Although we looked for correlations between these factors and technical variables, these analyses were negative, with one exception: latent factor 2 (LF2) appeared to capture quantitative variation in the relative representation of deep and superficial cortical layers in each dissection (Extended Data Fig. 3f).
Latent factor donor expression values were adjusted for age by taking the residuals from a regression of the donor expression values against age.
To improve the visualization of latent factor donor expression values while leaving the results of statistical analyses unchanged, quantile-normalized values were calculated in R using the function qnorm(rank(x)/(length(x) + 1)). The figure legends indicate when these quantile-normalized values are used.
Proteomics data
Protein intensities from the LRRK2 Cohort Consortium (LCC) cohort of a previous study82 were downloaded from the ProteomeXchange Consortium (PXD026491) and subset to those peptides that passed the q-value threshold in at least 25% of all analysed samples. These were further subset to intensities from control donors without the LRRK2(G2019S) mutation and without erythrocyte contamination (n = 22 donors). After normalization of the protein intensities using sctransform (v.0.3.1)64, the output of Pearson residual expression values (with all input proteins returned) was exported to a new matrix. This matrix of normalized protein intensities was used as the input to latent factor analysis with PEER (v.1.0)81 using the default parameters.
For comparisons of CSF protein loadings to SNAP gene loadings in Supplementary Fig. 7, each gene in SNAP was represented by a single composite loading representing gene loadings from all cell types. This composite loading was determined for each gene by first calculating the median expression of each gene (in each cell type), then calculating a new loading onto SNAP weighted across cell types by these median expression values.
Rhythmicity analysis
For Extended Data Fig. 4f, rhythmicity analyses were performed as described previously83 using scripts available at GitHub ( and donor time of death in zeitgeber time. Analyses also used the following packages: lme4 (v.1.1-31)84, minpack.lm (v.1.2-4)85.
For GSEA9,86 of latent factors inferred by PEER, the C5 Gene Ontology collection (v.7.2)87,88 from the Molecular Signatures Database89,90 was merged with the SynGO (release 20210225)91 biological process (BP) and cell component (CC) gene lists. Gene sets from this merged database that were enriched in each latent factor were identified with GSEAPreranked in GSEA (v.4.0.3)9,86 using 10,000 permutations and gene loadings as the ranking metric.
For astrocyte latent factors inferred by cNMF10, GSEA was performed as described above with the addition of the following custom gene sets to the database:
PGC3_SCZ_GWAS_GENES_1TO2_AND_SCHEMA1_GENES: a gene set comprising genes implicated in human-genetic studies of schizophrenia, including genes at 1–2 gene loci from GWAS (PGC3)22 and genes with rare coding variants (FDR < 0.05)23.
Gene sets for each of the seven astrocyte subclusters identified in ref. 14.
Gene sets for each of the 62 colour module eigengenes identified by WGCNA in ref. 14.
Gene sets for each of the six astrocyte subcompartments analysed in ref. 92, comprising genes encoding the proteins that were unique to or enriched in these subcompartments.
For L5 IT glutamatergic neuron latent factors inferred by cNMF, GSEA was performed as described above with the addition of the following custom gene sets to the database:
PGC3_SCZ_GWAS_GENES_1TO2_AND_SCHEMA1_GENES: a gene set comprising genes implicated in human genetic studies of schizophrenia, including genes at 1–2 gene loci from GWAS (PGC3 (ref. 22)) and genes with rare coding variants (FDR < 0.05)23.
Selected gene sets
On the basis of the results of the GSEA described above, we selected several of the top-enriched gene sets for further analyses. These are referred to in the figures with labels modified for brevity, but are described in further detail below. Lists of genes in each gene set are provided in Supplementary Table 9.
Integral component of postsynaptic density membrane (Extended Data Figs. 6 and 8 and Supplementary Fig. 8): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0099061 (v.7.2, integral component of postsynaptic density membrane) in the glutamatergic neuron component of LF4 (SNAP).
Neurotransmitter reuptake transporters (Fig. 2e, Extended Data Figs. 6 and 8 and Supplementary Fig. 8): genes from among the 100 genes most strongly recruited by cNMF2 (SNAP-a) with known functions as neurotransmitter-reuptake transporters. These include core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0140161 (v.7.2, monocarboxylate: sodium symporter activity) in SNAP-a.
Presynapse (Extended Data Figs. 6 and 8 and Supplementary Fig. 8): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0098793 (v.7.2, presynapse) in the GABAergic neuron component of LF4 (SNAP).
Regulation of cholesterol biosynthesis (Fig. 2d,e, Extended Data Figs. 6–8 and 13d and Supplementary Fig. 8): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0045540 (v.7.2, regulation of cholesterol biosynthetic process) in the astrocyte component of LF4 (SNAP). This enrichment is of interest as cholesterol is an astrocyte-supplied component of synaptic membranes35,93,94. Products of this biosynthetic pathway also include other lipids and cholesterol metabolites with roles at synapses, including 24S-hydroxycholesterol, a positive allosteric modulator of NMDA receptors95. Although we refer to this gene set by this label based on its annotation by GO, we note that subsets of these genes contribute to cholesterol export and/or to synthesis of additional fatty acids.
Schizophrenia genetics (Fig. 3k and Extended Data Fig. 13a): prioritized genes from ref. 23 (FDR < 0.05) or ref. 22.
Synapse organization (Fig. 3k): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0050808 (v.7.2, synapse organization) in cNMF6 (SNAP-n).
Synaptic cell adhesion (Figs. 2e and 3k, Extended Data Figs. 6, 8 and 13a and Supplementary Fig. 8): genes from among the 20 genes most strongly recruited by cNMF2 (SNAP-a) with known functions in synaptic cell adhesion. This biological process was selected due to the enrichment of GO:0099560 (v.7.2, synaptic membrane adhesion) in SNAP-a.
Synaptic receptors and transporters (Fig. 3k and Extended Data Fig. 13a,c): genes from among the 100 genes most strongly recruited by cNMF2 (SNAP-a) with known functions as synaptic receptors and transporters.
Synaptic vesicle (Fig. 3k): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0008024 (v.7.2, synaptic vesicle) in cNMF6 (SNAP-n).
Synaptic vesicle cycle (Fig. 2c and Extended Data Fig. 5): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0099504 (v.7.2, synaptic vesicle cycle) in the glutamatergic and GABAergic neuron components of LF4 (SNAP).
Trans-synaptic signalling (Fig. 2e and Extended Data Figs. 6 and 8): core genes contributing to the enrichment of GO:0099537 (v.7.2, trans-synaptic signalling) in the glutamatergic neuron component of LF4 (SNAP).
Gene sets displayed in Fig. 2b are the SynGO terms most strongly enriched in each top-level category (among biological processes: process in the presynapse, synaptic signalling, synapse organization, process in the postsynapse, transport and metabolism, respectively).
Analysis of astrocyte and glutamatergic L5 IT neuron gene-expression programs
Consensus non-negative matrix factorization
cNMF (v.1.2)10 was performed on both astrocyte and glutamatergic L5 IT neurons. We used cNMF owing to its scalability to the astrocyte and glutamatergic L5 IT neuron datasets. The cNMF protocol detailed in the tutorial for PBMCs at GitHub ( was followed for the initial data filtering and analysis. For both datasets, data were filtered to remove cells with fewer than 200 genes or 200 UMIs. Genes expressed in fewer than 10 cells were removed. Factorization was run on raw counts data after filtering, with iterations of factorization run for each k (factors requested), with a k ranging from 3 to 30.
The astrocyte raw counts data contained 179,764 cells and 42,651 genes, of which 0 cells and 9,040 genes were excluded. On the basis of PCA of the gene expression matrix and the cNMF stability report, factorization with k = 11 was selected for further analysis. The 11 cNMF factors together explained 25% of variation in gene expression levels among single astrocytes.
The L5 IT raw counts data contained 75,929 cells and 42,651 genes, of which 0 cells and 8,178 genes were excluded. On the basis of the PCA of the gene expression matrix and the cNMF stability report, factorization with k = 13 was selected for further analysis. The 13 cNMF factors together explained 44% of variation in gene expression levels among single L5 IT glutamatergic neurons. To align the direction of interpretation across all three analyses (SNAP, SNAP-a, and SNAP-n), we took the negative of cNMF factor 6 (SNAP-n) cell scores, gene loadings and donor scores.
The latent factor usage matrix (cell by factor) was normalized before analysis to scale each cell’s total usage across all factors to 1.
Co-varying neighbourhood analysis
To further assess the robustness of the astrocyte gene-expression changes represented by SNAP and SNAP-a, we used a third computational approach—co-varying neighbourhood analysis (CNA, v.0.1.4)96. The protocol provided in the CNA tutorial at GitHub ( was followed for data preprocessing and analysis.
Pilot association tests to find transcriptional neighbourhoods associated with schizophrenia case–control status were first performed using the default value for Nnull. These pilot analyses evaluated the effects of batch correction (by batch or donor) and covariate correction (by age, sex, post-mortem interval, number of UMIs or number of expressed genes). Nearly all analyses yielded highly similar neighbourhoods associated with case–control status with the same global P value (P = 1 × 10−4), with the exception of batch correction by donor which yielded P = 1. The final association test described in Supplementary Fig. 9 was performed with an increased value for Nnull (Nnull = 1,000,000) and without additional batch or covariate correction.
Regulatory network inference
The goal of pySCENIC97,98 is to infer transcription factors and regulatory networks from single-cell gene-expression data. The pySCENIC (v0.11.2) protocol detailed in the tutorial for PBMCs at GitHub ( was followed for the initial data filtering and analysis. For both astrocytes and L5 IT glutamatergic neurons, data were filtered to remove cells with fewer than 200 genes, and genes with fewer than 3 cells. Cells with high MT expression (>15% of their total transcripts) were removed.
The gene regulatory network discovery adjacency matrix was inferred by running Arboreto on the gene counts matrix and a list of all transcription factors provided by the authors ( to generate an initial set of regulons. This set was further refined using ctx, which removes targets that are not enriched for a motif in the transcription factor using a provided set of human specific motifs ( and cis targets ( Finally, aucell was run to generate the per-cell enrichment scores for each discovered transcription factor.
Super-enhancer analysis
Preparation of input BAM files was performed as follows. FASTQ files of bulk H3K27ac HiChIP data from the middle frontal gyrus99 were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO: GSM4441830 and GSM4441833). Demultiplexed FASTQ files were trimmed with Trimmomatic (v.0.33)100 using the parameter SLIDINGWINDOW:5:30. Trimmed reads were aligned to the hg38 reference genome with Bowtie2 (v2.2.4)101 using the default parameters. Uniquely mapped reads were extracted with samtools (v.1.3.1)102 view using the parameters -h -b -F 3844 -q 10.
Preparation of input constituent enhancers was performed as follows. FitHiChIP interaction files for H3K27ac from the middle frontal gyrus99 were downloaded from the GEO (GSM4441830 and GSM4441833). These were filtered to interacting bins (at interactions with q < 0.01) that overlap bulk H3K27ac peaks in the one-dimensional HiChIP data in both replicates. Next, these bins were intersected with IDR-filtered single-cell assay for transposase-accessible chromatin using sequencing (scATAC–seq) peaks in isocortical and unclassified astrocytes (peaks from clusters 13, 15 and 17, downloaded from the GEO (GSE147672))99. Unique coordinates of these filtered regions were converted to GFF files.
Super-enhancers were called with ROSE (v.1.3.1)103,104 using the input files prepared above and the parameters -s 12500 -t 2500. Coordinates of promoter elements for Homo sapiens (December 2013 GRCh38/hg38) were downloaded from the Eukaryotic Promoter Database (EPD)105 using the EPDnew selection tool ( Using these sets of coordinates, FitHiChIP loops that overlap bulk H3K27ac peaks and scATAC peaks in astrocytes were subset to those that contained a promoter in one anchor and a super-enhancer in the other anchor. Binomial smooth plots were generated as described previously107.
Heritability analyses
Summary statistics from ref. 22 were uploaded to the FUMA (v.1.5.6)108 web server ( Gene-level z scores were calculated using SNP2GENE with the ‘Perform MAGMA’ function (MAGMA v.1.08) and the default parameter settings. The reference panel population was set to ‘1000G Phase3 EUR’. The MHC region was excluded due to its unusual genetic architecture and LD. MAGMA z scores were then used for downstream analyses as described in the Supplementary Note.
Stratified LD score regression
To partition SNP heritability, we used stratified LD score regression (S-LDSC; v.1.0.1)26, which assesses the contribution of gene expression programs to disease heritability. First, for analysis of astrocyte-identity genes, we computed (within the BA46 region only), a Wilcoxon rank-sum test on a per-gene basis using presto (v.1.0.0)109 between astrocytes and all other cell types; for analysis of astrocyte-activity genes (SNAP-a), we sorted all genes expressed in astrocytes by their SNAP-a loadings and took the top 2,000 genes. We then converted each gene set into annotations for S-LDSC by extending the window size to 100 kb (from the transcription start site and transcription end site), and ordered SNPs in the same order as the .bim file (from phase 3 of the 1000 Genomes Project110) used to calculate the LD scores. We then computed LD scores for annotations using a 1 cM window and restricted the analysis to Hapmap3 SNPs. We excluded the MHC region due to both its high LD and high gene density. We used LD weights calculated for HapMap3 SNPs for the regression weights. We then jointly modeled the annotations corresponding to our gene expression program, as well as all protein-coding genes, and the baseline model (baseline model v.1.2). We tested for enrichment of SNP heritability on the traits listed below. The LDSC script ‘’ was used to prepare the summary statistics files. We used the resultant P values, which reflect a one-sided test that the coefficient (τ) is greater than zero, as a determinant as to whether our cell type gene expression programs are enriched for SNP-heritability of a given trait111.
We used summary statistics from the following studies in Supplementary Fig. 12: ADHD112, ALS113, Alzheimer’s disease114, age of smoking initiation115, autism116, bipolar disorder (all, type I, and type II)117, cigarettes per day115, educational attainment118, epilepsy (all, focal, generalized)119, height120, IQ121, insomnia122, neuroticism123, OCD124, schizophrenia22, PTSD125, risk126, subjective well-being127, smoking cessation115, smoking initiation115, Tourette’s128 and ulcerative colitis129.
Polygenic risk scores
Clumped summary statistics for schizophrenia (from ref. 22) across 99,194 autosomal markers were downloaded from the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium portal (file PGC3_SCZ_wave3_public.clumped.v2.tsv). After liftOver of markers to GRCh38 using custom tools, 99,135 markers were available for scoring. We processed the output data from the MoChA imputation workflow58,59 using BCFtools (v.1.16) and the MoChA score (v.2022-12-21)58,59 workflow ( to compute schizophrenia polygenic scores across all 2,413 imputed samples from the McLean cohort.
MetaGene discovery
Genes that have high sequence homology are typically difficult to capture using standard UMI counting methods. Reads from these regions map to multiple locations in the genome with low mapping quality, and are ignored by many gene expression algorithms. MetaGene discovery leverages that high sequence similarity by looking for UMIs that consistently map to multiple genes at low mapping quality consistently across many cells.
Each UMI is associated with a single gene if at least one read from the UMI uniquely maps to a single gene model. If all reads are mapped at low quality to multiple genes, then assignment of that UMI to a specific gene model is ambiguous, and that UMI is associated with all gene models. By surveying a large number of cells, a set of gene families are discovered where UMIs are consistently associated with sets of genes. This discovery process finds expected sets of gene families with high sequence homology directly from the mapping, such as C4A/C4B, CSAG2/CSAG3 and SERF1A/SERF1B.
These UMIs are then extracted in the counts matrix as a joint expression of all genes in each set. We prefer to calculate expression as the joint expression of all genes in the set because the priors in the data prevent confidently distributing these ambiguous UMIs. For example, C4A and C4B have very few UMIs that map uniquely to either gene in the set (8 UMIs, <0.5% of all UMIs captured for this set of genes), which is a weak prior to proportionally assign ambiguous UMIs to the correct model.
This approach was validated for C4 expression by generating a reference genome that contained only one copy of C4. This allowed each UMI to map uniquely to the single remaining copy of the gene using standard tools. The custom reference approach and joint expression of C4A/C4B on the basis of the metagene approach was concordant in 15,664 of 15,669 cells tested (Extended Data Fig. 15c).
Imputation of C4 structural variation
Phased copy-number calls for structural features of the C4 gene family were obtained by imputation using Osprey, a method for imputing structural variation. The total copy number of C4 genes, the number of copies of C4A and C4B, and the copy number of the polymorphic HERV element that distinguishes long from short forms of C429 were imputed into the McLean cohort using a reference panel based on 1000 Genomes62.
An imputation reference panel was constructed for GRCh38 using 2,604 unrelated individuals (out of 3,202 total) from 1000 Genomes. SNPs were included in the reference panel if (1) they were within the locus chromosome 6: 24000000–34000000 but excluding the copy-number variable region chromosome 6: 31980001–32046200; and (2) they were not multi-allelic and (3) they had an allele count (AC) of at least 3 when subset to the 2,604 reference individuals.
The imputation reference panel was merged with genotypes for the McLean cohort obtained from the GSA genotyping arrays. Markers not appearing in both datasets were dropped and the merged panel was phased with SHAPEIT4 (v.4.2.0)57 using the default parameters plus –sequencing and the default GRCh38 genetic map supplied with SHAPEIT.
Reference copy numbers for the C4 structural features on GRCh38 were obtained for the 3,202 1000 Genomes samples using a custom pipeline based on Genome STRiP (v.2.0)130. The source code for this pipeline is available at Terra ( In brief, the pipeline uses Genome STRiP to estimate the total C4 copy number and HERV copy number from normalized read depth of coverage, then estimates the number of copies of C4A and C4B using maximum likelihood based on reads that overlap the C4 active site (coordinates, chromosome 6: 31996082–31996099 and chromosome 6: 32028820–32028837). These copy-number genotypes were then subset to the 2,604 unrelated individuals.
The structural features were imputed into the merged imputation panel using Osprey (v.0.1-9)132,133 by running ospreyIBS followed by osprey using the default parameters plus ‘-iter 100’, the SHAPEIT4 genetic map for GRCh38 chromosome 6 and a target genome interval of chromosome 6: 31980500–32046500.
The output from Osprey was post-processed using a custom R script (refine_C4_haplotypes.R) that enforces constraints between the copy-number features and recalibrates the likelihoods considering only possible haplotypes. The enforced constraints are that the C4A + C4B copies must equal the total C4 copy number and that the HERV copy number must be less than or equal to C4 copy number.
Source data and visualization
In addition to the software cited above, we used Colour Oracle (v.1.3)134,135 as well as the following packages to prepare the source data and figures in this manuscript.
Python (v.3.8.3): matplotlib (v.3.5.2)136 and seaborn (v.0.10.1)137. R (v.4.1.3): cluster (v.2.1.2)138, ComplexHeatmap (v.2.10.0)139,140, data.table (v.1.14.8)141, DescTools (v.0.99.48)142, dplyr (v.1.1.2)143, gdata (v.2.19.0)144, ggforce (v.0.4.1)145, ggplot2 (v.3.4.2)146, ggpmisc (v.0.5.3)147, ggpointdensity (v.0.1.0)148, ggpubr (v.0.5.0)149, ggrastr (v.1.0.2)150, ggrepel (v.0.9.3)151, grid (v.4.1.3)152, gridExtra (v.2.3)153, gtable (v.0.3.3)154, matrixStats (v.0.63.0)155, pheatmap (v.1.0.12)156, plyr (v.1.8.8)157, purrr (v.1.0.1)158, RColorBrewer (v.1.1-3)159, readxl (v.1.4.2)160, reshape2 (v.1.4.4)161, scales (v.1.2.1)162, splitstackshape (v.1.4.8)163, stats (v.4.1.3)152, stringi (v.1.7.12)164, stringr (v.1.5.0)165, tidyr (v.1.3.0)166 and viridis (v.0.6.2)167.
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Portfolio Reporting Summary linked to this article.