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Image for article titled This Raspberry Pi and Arduino Developer Course Bundle Is 80% Off Right Now

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For anyone looking to get into web development, the 2023 All-in-One Raspberry Pi and Arduino Developer Bundle might be a good place to start. Featuring nine courses, software engineer and entrepreneur Edouard Renard teaches the basics, including Raspberry Pi, Arduino, C++, and more in this course bundle on sale for $69.99 (reg. $423).

Learning web development takes time and effort, but the details are broken down by Edouard Renard, who has a 4.6/5 instructor rating. His teaching method is best summed up with three words: step by step. In Raspberry Pi for Beginners, the course teaches a solid foundation in installing Raspberry Pi on various operating systems. In the Arduino for Beginners course, you’ll learn to create interactive Arduino projects from scratch, creating Arduino circuits and hardware, programming with C++, and more. In the Practical Linux Command Line course, you’ll learn basics in software development, data science, machine learning, robotics, system administration, and more.

Other courses include Practical C++: Learn C++ Basics Step by Step, Raspberry Pi & Arduino: The Next Level, ROS2 for Beginners, Learn ROS2 as a ROS1 Developer and Migrate Your ROS Projects, Arduino OOP (Object-Oriented Programming), and Practical Python: Learn Python 3 Basics Step by Step.

Lifetime access to the All-in-One Raspberry Pi and Arduino Developer Bundle is $69.99 right now (reg. $423), though prices can change at any time.

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