If You Still Have Student Loans, at Least They’ll Get You a Free Pizza
Photo: Jonathan Weiss (Shutterstock) Back in March 2020, in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government put a pause on student loan repayment. Now that the pause is…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: Jonathan Weiss (Shutterstock) Back in March 2020, in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, the government put a pause on student loan repayment. Now that the pause is…
“Naked pizza” might sound confusing at first, if not slightly scandalous. After all, half of the fun is adding flavorful toppings, so what is the allure of nude dough? A…
Photo: A.A. Newton Like other entries in the “carbs coated in mayo” category of side dishes, pasta salad is incredibly polarizing. When it’s good, I can’t stop eating it; when…
Photo: Scott James Steindorf (Shutterstock) Pizza-for-breakfast is an American classic, but you’ve probably been doing it wrong. Using the oven takes too long, and a microwave turns last night’s pizza…
Photo: Allie Chanthorn Reinmann For veteran readers, you know at this point here at Skillet, we’re big fans of savory oatmeal. Bring on the eggs, meatballs, and MSG, please. And…
I’m no stranger to the tempting world of Italian carbs. I’ve had flavorful pizzas, fluffy zeppoles, and strombolis stuffed to near bursting. Yet, I feel betrayed. Why did it take…
Back in my college days, my roommate and I frequently ordered something we called a “hangover pizza.” There was nothing remarkable about the pizza. It was almost always a pepperoni…
Photo: Shutterstock (Shutterstock) Every year on March 14, people all over the country celebrate Pi (π) Day, less because we’re really into the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its…
Photo: Claire Lower Like any reasonable person, I love garlic bread, but it is not the only allium-based bread you can make and enjoy. Much like their cloved cousin, onions…
Photo: beats1 (Shutterstock) With Super Bowl LVII only one week away, it’s time to start thinking about the big game. Whether you’re interested in the football, the halftime show, or…