Hidden in a valley in the remote Himalayas, it is said, is Gyanganj, a home for immortals. Call it Shambala, Shangri-La or Siddhashram, believers say this celestial kingdom shapes our destiny…

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Gyanganj is believed to be an ancient Indo-Tibetan tale about a kingdom of mysterious immortal beings, hiding from the world but possessing the power to influence it in various subtle ways when needed. It is said that the so called city is carefully camouflaged and exists in a completely different parallel reality in order to protect it from modern mapping and satellites.
However, according to legend, the yetis or the enlightened beings of the Himalayas that inhabit the fabled region are known to let in a visitor every now and then in order to share their wisdom and wit with them. There have in fact been many legends of kings and sadhus who’ve claimed to meet these enlightened immortals and be guided towards immense knowledge.
Gyanganj is located “somewhere” in the Himalayas and its exact location is not known. As per the believers, only great saints can find it by passing through psychic barriers and dimensions. People believe that this mysterious land artfully camouflages itself, hiding from sight as well as mapping technologies.

Some believe that Gyanganj exists in a different plane of reality and thus cannot be detected by satellites. Legend has it that Gyanganj is a city-kingdom inhabited by mysterious immortal beings that influence the world in subtle ways, whenever needed. Advocates of Gyanganj concept say that this celestial kingdom shapes the destiny of all.
Gyanganj is not just an Indian legend but its roots can also be traced to Tibet. In Tibet this celestial kingdom is known as Shambala, a Sanskrit word which means “the source of happiness.” It is believed that this legendary land protects secret spiritual teachings of the world.Instructions to reach Gyanganj have been given in some old Buddhist texts; however, the directions are ambiguous.
According to believers, only enlightened saints can find this land, obscured in mists of mighty Himalayan peaks. Believers say that Gyanganj defies death. Consciousness always remains alive in this enigmatic land as no death occurs there.

The Gyanganj (Jnanganj) Yogashram – the ancient name of this Yogashram was ‘Indra Bhawan’. This ancient Ashram was renovated and restored to its pristine glory again by Swami Gyananand Paramahans, a disciple of Maharshi Mahatapa. Under his able administration and responsible management it started functioning properly once again under the new name Gyanganj.
Gyanganj is an extraordinary spiritual training centre. The Brahmacharis, Brahmacharinis and Paramahansas of this centre, after getting established in the state Aham-Brahmasmi, roam about in the universe as, when and where they like.
The Gyanganj (Jnanganj) Yogashram with a perimeter of about 16 kilometres, is situated in the western region of Tibet, an upland in the Himalayas to the north of India. This ancient Ashram was renovated and restored to its pristine glory once again by Swami Gyananand Paramhans, a disciple of Maharshi Mahatapa.
Under his able administration and responsible management it started functioning properly once again under the new name of Gyanganj. All this renovation took place about seven hundred years earlier, i.e., say about 1225 A.D. Yogiraj Shri Vishuddhanand had eulogised about the eminence of Gyanganj Yogashram in brief at times about the supernatural experiences and powers of the Yogis of this Ashram.

There is a cave in foot of the Mount Kailash that might be hundreds of miles long. Yogis in ancient time are said to have taken samadhi there and practiced meditation. Several human bones have been found within hundred metre depth of the cave.
On the entrance of the cave you can hear some faint music whose audibility rises a you go further inside. It is some sort of naad comprising of tabla, damru, war horn. The sources of the sound haven’t been found yet.
Surprisingly the oxygen level is better inside the cave than the outside and it has an alien smell. The temperature inside the cave increases like any other cave and couple of hundred metres, the temprature become unbearable thus limiting a human body to go much deeper.
You feel a strange vibration in your body as you go inside. All your senses starts working abnormally. You have strange vision if you close your eyes. A sensation like weightlessness as if gravity is decreasing or have become like that of a moon.

A lot of research has been done to get explaination for the strangeness of cave but still no outcome. All the probes, robots, drone sent inside cannot go beyond some point due to heat and twisted magnetism inside the cave.
The cave changes the way a human acts afterwards in life thus the entrance has been sealed with camouflage rock doors. But early pictures are available. Kailash might not be in India but still people here can connect to it. So this is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries and well kept secret.!!!
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