Anil Kapoor with grandson Vayu. (courtesy: sonamkapoor)New Delhi: On Anil Kapoor’s 66th birthday, his family shared the most adorable wishes for him. Anil Kapoor’s daughter Sonam posted a picture of the actor with his grandson Vayu along with a couple of other throwbacks. She captioned the post: “Happy happy birthday to the best dad in the whole world. I love you. You’re the greatest and the best. Everything you do you do for us, everyone should be this blessed. Love you Daddy. So proud to be your daughter. #blessedwiththebest #girldad #24122022 #christmaseve 24 Dec 2022.” Sonam Kapoor’s husband Anand Ahuja also posted a birthday wish for the actor.Take a look at Sonam Kapoor’s post here:Anil Kapoor’s son-in-law Anand Ahuja posted a video of himself with son Vayu and father-in-law Anil Kapoor. “Anil Kapoor… Happy Birthday,” he captioned it.Anil Kapoor’s wife Sunita Kapoor wished him with this post She wrote: “Happy bday to my amazing husband who never ceases to amaze me with his hard work, talent, sensitivity, intelligence and his passion. Love you for all you are and all that you do. Love you for all the big and little ways you make our life so great , you are my husband, my best friend and the light of my life…have the best year ever. Love you so much.”Sonam Kapoor and Anand Ahuja, after dating for a couple of years, got married in May 2018 in Mumbai. They welcomed a son in August and named him Vayu. They had a star-studded wedding and reception. Anand Ahuja runs the fashion label Bhane and the sneaker boutique VegNonVeg.Featured Video Of The DayBigg Boss 16 Star Abdu Rozik Pictured In Mumbai
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