Pacer Joshua Little, who became the first cricketer from Ireland to land an IPL deal, termed it as an “incredible opportunity” to play in the lucrative league were he will get to work with India all-rounder Hardik Pandya and head coach Ashish Nehra. Defending champions Gujarat Titans availed the services of the 23-year-old for Rs 4.4 crore at the IPL auction in Kochi on Friday. The Titans, led by Hardik and coached by former India pacer Nehra, won the league in their debut season.”I’m delighted to have been signed by the defending champions, the Gujarat Titans, and look forward to playing under Hardik Pandya within such a high quality squad,” Little said in Cricket Ireland statement.”I am also looking forward to working with coach Ashish Nehra and would like to thank the management team at the Titans for believing in me,” he added.The left-arm seamer made his international debut in 2016 and has since played 22 ODIs and 53 T20Is.”I have loved playing international cricket for Ireland – and that will always remain my priority, but to be able to learn and play in the IPL will be an incredible opportunity and thanks to Cricket Ireland for supporting me in this.” Little had served as a net bowler for Chennai Super Kings last year.He had claimed a memorable hat-trick against New Zealand in Ireland’s T20 World Cup loss in Adelaide earlier this year. He had dismissed skipper Kane Williamson, James Neesham and Mitchell Santner in the 19th over.”We are delighted for Josh and wish him well in the IPL next year. Josh is a hard-working and dedicated athlete who has come up through the Irish system,” Cricket Ireland’s High Performance Director Richard Holdsworth said.”He has been an essential part of the Irish set-up for several years now and we believe his development will only accelerate further through involvement in the IPL.” Little has plied his trade in several franchise leagues such as England’s The Hundred and Lanka Premier League. He was also picked up in the Pakistan Super League draft recently.Featured Video Of The DayIPL Auction 2023: Sam Curran Becomes Most Expensive Buy As Teams Splash The CashTopics mentioned in this article
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