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How to Understand your Dog better: Communication clues
Just like Humans, Dogs do get into moods and will try to communicate them to you but it can be difficult to understand what they are saying or what they want to say to us just by looking at their body language. The great thing about dogs and all the dog breeds is that they will not fake their emotions and they will try to tell you what is going on.
So, It’s important that as a dog owner, you learn their communication language and watch out for the tell-tale signs that your dog is giving to you. These regular communication signs can be broken down based on your Dog’s Physical Body. Such as the tail, eyes, ears, face, and stance.
The tail is one the easiest communication method to look out for.
When a dog’s tail is lowered but still wagging it can mean that he or she is playful, excited, or that they know you or the one in charge.
If the tail is lowered and wagging slowly then your dog is maybe waiting for you to tell it what has to be done so that they understand what is currently happening.
If the tail is raised but tremors, it could be your dog challenging you and your authority if this happens it means that the dog feels like they are in charge of the current situation and has the authority over you.
The most common and easiest recognizable communication form is when the tail is stuck between the legs. This is a very common sign for the dog being afraid, scared, or uncomfortable. Either in the situation, you are currently in or even of you. If you cannot discern what is causing your dog to be uncomfortable and if your dog does it frequently then take it to the veterinarian.
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The eyes are but harder to discern from the tail, but dogs do show a ton of emotions through their eyes as it is one of the main ways that they communicate with you.
When your dog’s eyes are open wide your dog is alert and is often trying to get your attention. Sometimes dogs will do this if they are challenging you and wanting you to respond to them in a firm fashion.
If your dog blinks or even winks at you, it means that the dog is feeling playful. Do watch out for constant blinking or squishing, as it may be an indicator of an eye issue that needs to be checked out by a vet.
The ears are a little more subtle and will definitely take time to understand and get used to as all dogs will use their ears differently in terms of actual communication.
If the years are pulled back against the head whether they are lightly flattened or forced heavily downward. It means that the dog is scared.
Also be on the lookout for the dog putting only one ear down often left one, as this is a reaction to unfamiliar environments and people that cause fear.
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