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Valentine´s Day

Valentine’s day is around the corner and you’ll want to give away your loved one a meaningful and romantic gift. You may send flowers, greeting cards, a dinning out at a restaurant or simply offer decorative Valentine hearts. With a little imagination and a computer software, you’ll be on your way to let know that special one that on this beautiful holiday. he or she did not pass unnoticed.

Hearts are the most usual holiday themes during Valentine. There are hearts for all tastes and demands. A heart can be as simple as plain red hearts; however, a heart can be created very attractive and beautiful with a little imagination. throughout this hub, I’m going to show you how to design some colorful Valentine Hearts.

How to Draw a Heart Crossed by an Arrow in MS Paint?

To make this heart, open MS paint, which is an application included in all versions of Microsoft Windows. Choose the heart shape tool in MS Piant and draw a big heart in the middle of MS paint’s working area; draw two parallel lines in a 45 angle across the heart; select the curve tool and draw the tail of the arrow at one end of the two parallel lines; draw six slanted lines inside the tail to make it look like a feather; select the line tool to draw the point of the arrow.

Select the fill color tool and choose a light red color for the tail and the point of the arrow; fill the heart with a darker red color; erase one small part of the arrow to make it look that it crosses the heart.

Select the oval tool and draw three drops of blood underneath where the arrow is coming out of the heart; draw another two drops of blood underneath the point of the arrow; fill the drops of blood with a light red color; select the text tool and write the word “love” between the arrow and the top of the heart.

How to Draw two Hearts Enveloped by a Band in MS Paint?

Select the heart shape tool and draw a big heart on the left side of MS Paint working area; now, draw three concentric hearts in the middle of the first heart; copy and paste the set of concentric hearts on the right of the working area.

Select the fill color tool and choose a slightly different red color for each heart. Your two hearts should look like the one in the picture below.

Select the curve tool and draw a band around the two hearts. Select the fill color tool and fill the band with a grey color or any other color of you preference.

Select the heart shape tool and draw several small hearts within the band at equal spaces; fill the hearts with a light red color; select the text tool and choose a darker red color; write several instances of the word love, distributing them at equal distances within the band.

How to Draw a Valentine Theme Inside a Heart with MS Paint?

Select the heart shape tool and choose a dark red color to draw a small heart on the right side of MS Paint’s working area; select the text tool and write the words Valentine’s Day on the right side of the small heart.

Select the heart shape tool and, then, erase the two a’s in the holiday theme, and replace them with two small red hearts; select the text tool and write the word love underneath the holiday theme; draw two small red hearts to the right side of the word love.

Select the heart shape tool and choose a pink color to draw a big heart, enclosing the holiday theme; write the word happy enclosed in a red heart on top of the big heart and fill the entire words in the holiday theme with a silver color or any other color of your preference.


To draw these Valentine Hearts, you make use of the heart shape tool in MS Paint. This tool lets you draw very symetrical hearts which can be filled with color and turned over 90 or 180 degrees. To draw these hearts, I made use of the heart shape tool, the curve, line and fill color tools.

It will be easier to draw your hearts if you create sketches for them, first, on a piece of paper.


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