AI model
Table of Contents
The AI streamflow forecasting model reported in this paper extends work in ref. 35, which developed hydrological nowcast models using LSTM networks that simulate sequences of streamflow data from sequences of meteorological input data. Building on that, we developed a forecast model that uses an encoder–decoder model with one LSTM running over a historical sequence of meteorological (and geophysical) input data (the encoder LSTM) and another, separate, LSTM that runs over the 7-day forecast horizon with inputs from meteorological forecasts (the decoder LSTM). The model architecture is illustrated in Extended Data Fig. 4.
The model uses a hindcast sequence length of 365 days, meaning that every forecast sequence (0–7 days) saw meteorological input data from the preceding 365 days and meteorological forecast data over the 0–7-day forecast horizon. We used a hidden size of 256 cell states for both the encoder and decoder LSTMs, a linear-cell-state transfer network and a nonlinear (fully connected layer with hyperbolic tangent activation functions) hidden-state transfer network. The model was trained on 50,000 minibatches with a batch size of 256. All inputs were standardized by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard deviation of training-period data.
The model predicts, at each time step, (time-step dependent) parameters of a single asymmetric Laplacian distribution over area-normalized streamflow discharge, as described in ref. 36. The loss function is the joint negative log-likelihood of that heteroscedastic density function. To be clear, the model predicts a separate asymmetric Laplacian distribution at each time step and each forecast lead time. The results reported in this paper were calculated over a hydrograph that results from averaging the predicted hydrographs from an ensemble of three separately trained encoder–decoder LSTMs. The hydrograph from each of these separately trained LSTMs is taken as the median (50th percentile) flow value from the predicted Laplacian distribution at each time step and forecast lead time.
Using the dataset described herein, the AI model takes a few hours to train on a single NVIDIA-V100 graphics processing unit. The exact wall time depends on how often validation is done during training. We use 50 validation steps (every 1,000 batches), resulting in a 10-hour train time for the full global model.
Input data
The full dataset includes model inputs and (streamflow) targets for a total of 152,259 years from 5,680 watersheds. The total size of the dataset saved to disk (including missing values in a dense array) is 60 GB.
Input data came from the following sources.
Daily-aggregated single-level forecasts from the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) High Resolution (HRES) atmospheric model. Variables include: total precipitation (TP), 2-m temperature (T2M), surface net solar radiation (SSR), surface net thermal radiation (STR), snowfall (SF) and surface pressure (SP).
The same six variables from the ECMWF ERA5-Land reanalysis.
Precipitation estimates from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Climate Prediction Center (CPC) Global Unified Gauge-Based Analysis of Daily Precipitation.
Precipitation estimates from the NASA Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) early run.
Geological, geophysical and anthropogenic basin attributes from the HydroATLAS database28.
All input data were area-weighted averaged over basin polygons over the total upstream area of each gauge or prediction point. The total upstream area for the 5,680 evaluation gauges used in this study ranged from 2.1 km2 to 4,690,998 km2.
No streamflow data were used as inputs to the AI model because (1) real-time data are not available everywhere, especially in ungauged locations, and (2) because the benchmark (GloFAS) does not use autoregressive inputs. We previously discussed how to use near-real-time target data in an AI-based streamflow model31.
Extended Data Fig. 5 shows the time periods of available data from each source. During training, missing data was imputed either by using a similar variable from another data source (for example, HRES data were imputed with ERA5-Land data), or by imputing with a mean value and then adding a binary flag to indicate an imputed value, as described in ref. 31.
Target and evaluation data
Training and test targets came from the Global Runoff Data Center (GRDC)37. Extended Data Fig. 6 shows the location of all streamflow gauges used in this study for both training and testing. We removed watersheds from the full, public GRDC dataset where drainage area reported by GRDC differed by more than 20% from drainage area calculated using watershed polygons from the HydroBASINS repository—this was necessary to ensure that poor-quality data, owing to imperfect catchment delineation, was not used for training. This left us with 5,680 gauges. Since we conducted the experiments reported in this paper, the GRDC has released catchment polygons for their gauge locations, so matching gauges with HydroBASINS watershed boundaries is no longer necessary.
We assessed the performance of the AI model using a set of cross-validation experiments. Data from 5,680 gauges were split in two ways. First, the data were split in time using cross-validation folds designed such that no training data from any gauge was used from within 1 year (the sequence length of the LSTM encoder) of any test data from any gauge. Second, the data were split in space using randomized (without replacement) k-fold cross-validation with k = 10. This pair of cross-validation processes were repeated so that all data (1984–2021) from all gauges were predicted in a way that was out-of-sample in both time and space. This avoids any potential for data leakage between training and testing. These cross-validation experiments are what is reported in the main text of this paper.
Other cross-validation experiments that we performed include splitting the gauge data in time, as above, and in space non-randomly according to the following protocol.
Cross-validation splits across continents (k = 6).
Cross-validation splits across climate zones (k = 13).
Cross-validation splits across groups of hydrologically separated watersheds (k = 8), meaning that no terminal watershed contributed any gauges simultaneously to both training and testing in any cross-validation split.
The gauges in these cross-validation splits are shown in Extended Data Fig. 7. The results from these cross-validation splits are reported in Extended Data Figs. 8 and 9.
GloFAS inputs are similar to the input data used in the AI model, with the main differences as follows.
GloFAS uses ERA5 as forcing data, and not ERA5-Land.
GloFAS (in the dataset used here) does not use ECMWF IFS as input to the model. (IFS data are used by the AI model for forecasting only, and we always compare with GloFAS nowcasts.)
GloFAS does not use NOAA CPC or NASA IMERG data as direct inputs to the model.
GloFAS provides its predictions on a 3-arcmin grid (approximately 5-km horizontal resolution). To avoid large discrepancies between the drainage area provided by the GRDC and the GloFAS drainage network, all GRDC stations with a drainage area smaller than 500 km2 were discarded. The remaining gauges were geolocated on the GloFAS grid and the difference between the drainage area provided by the GRDC and the GloFAS drainage network was checked. If the difference between the drainage area was larger than 10% even after a manual correction of the station location on the GloFAS grid the station was discarded. A total of 4,090 GRDC stations were geolocated on the GloFAS grid.
In addition, unlike the AI model, GloFAS was not tested completely out-of-sample. GloFAS predictions came from a combination of gauged and ungauged catchments, and a combination of calibration and validation time periods. Extended Data Fig. 6 shows the locations of gauges where GloFAS was calibrated. This is necessary because of the computational expense associated with calibrating GloFAS, for example, over cross-validation splits. More information about GloFAS calibration can be found on the GloFAS Wiki38.
This means that the comparison with the AI model favours GloFAS. Extended Data Fig. 9 shows scores using a set of standard hydrograph metrics in locations where GloFAS is calibrated, and can be compared with Extended Data Fig. 8, which shows the same metrics in all evaluation locations.
Although CEMS releases a full historical reanalysis (without lead times) for GloFAS version 4, long-term archive of reforecasts (forecasts of the past) of GloFAS version 4 do not span the full year at the time of the analysis. Given that reliability metrics must consider the timing of event peaks, this means that it is only possible to benchmark GloFAS at a 0-day lead time.
The results in the main text report precision and recall metrics calculated over predictions of events with magnitudes defined by return periods. Precision and recall metrics were calculated separately per gauge for both models. Return periods were calculated separately for each of the 5,680 gauges on both modelled and observed time series (return periods were calculated for observed time series and for modelled time series separately) using the methodology described by the US Geological Survey Bulletin 17b39. We considered a model to have correctly predicted an event with a given return period if the modelled hydrograph and the observed hydrograph both crossed their respective return period threshold flow values within two days of each other. Precision, recall and F1 scores were calculated in the standard way separately for each gauge. We emphasize that all models were compared against actual streamflow observations, and it is not the case that, for example, metrics were calculated directly by comparing hydrographs from the AI model with hydrographs from GloFAS. It is noted that it is possible for either precision or recall to be undefined for a given model at a given gauge owing to there being either no predicted or no observed events of a given magnitude (return period), and it is not always the case that precision is undefined when recall is undefined, and vice versa. This causes, for example, differences in the precision and recall sample sizes shown in Fig. 2.
All statistical significance values reported in this paper were assessed using two-sided Wilcoxon (paired) signed-rank tests. Effect sizes are reported as Cohen’s term d40, which is reported using the convention that the AI model having better mean predictions results in a positive effect size, and vice versa. All box plots show distribution quartiles (that is, the centre bar shows medians, not means) with error bars that span the full range of data excluding outliers. Not all results reported in this paper use all 5,680 gauges owing to the fact that some gauges do not have enough samples to calculate precision and recall scores over certain return period events. The sample size is noted for each result.
There are a large number of metrics that hydrologists use to assess hydrograph simulations41, and extreme events in particular42. Several of these standard metrics are described in Extended Data Table 1 and are reported for the models described in this paper in Extended Data Fig. 8, including bias, Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE)43, and Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE)44. KGE is the metric that GloFAS is calibrated to. Extended Data Fig. 9 shows the same metrics, but calculated over only gauges where GloFAS was calibrated (the AI model is still out-of-sample in these gauges). The results in Extended Data Figs. 8 and 9 show that the ungauged AI model is about as good in ungauged basins as GloFAS is in gauged basins when evaluated against the metrics that GloFAS is calibrated on (KGE), and is better in ungauged basins than GloFAS is in gauged basins on the (closely related) NSE metrics. However, GloFAS has better overall variance (the Alpha-NSE metric) than the ungauged AI model in locations where it is calibrated (although not in uncalibrated locations), indicating a potential way that the AI model might be improved.