Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled 11 Ways to Make a Better Tuna Sandwich

Tuna salad is, unfortunately, mush, and mush needs textural counterpoints. Celery is the most common source of texture in deli salads, but there are other, more interesting ways to add some crunch.

My favorite is diced apples. They’re crisp, tart, and sweet—everything that tuna salad isn’t and everything it needs. I’m also a big fan of layering a plank of iceberg on my tuna sandwich for a cool, lightly sweet crunch, or mixing in diced scallions or shallots if I’m craving something a little pungent.

Don’t be afraid to get a little weird with it. One of my favorite tuna sandwich toppings is a layer of Doritos (nacho, please) or, if I’m out of those, salt and vinegar potato chips. (Plain also works, but the tang from salt and vinegar makes it special.)

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