Hardik Pandya and Yuzvendra Chahal pose for a picture ahead of 2nd T20I vs Ireland.© InstagramTeam India defeated Ireland by seven wickets in the first T20I match on Sunday. Given the second and final match of the series takes place after a one-day gap, it gave the players some time to rest and enjoy their outing. India skipper Hardik Pandya, spinner Yuzvendra Chahal and batter Deepak Hooda used the time to see the sights and sounds of Dublin – the city they are presently in at the moment for the ongoing series. Hardik and Chahal also took to social media later to share pictures and videos from the outing.”Boys day out,” wrote Chahal on Instagram while sharing a couple of pictures. In the first photo, he could be seen making an eye-to-eye contact with Hardik, while in the second picture the leg spinner could be seen having a chat with Hooda.Meanwhile, Hardik shared a video in which he can be seen posing, presumably for pictures.Hardik Pandya-led Team India will eye a clean sweep over Ireland when the two teams face each other for the second and final T20I in Dublin on Tuesday. In the first game, the trio of Hardik, Chahal and Hooda shone with impressive performances.In the first innings of the game, Chahal returned figures of 1/11 in his quota of three overs in the rain-curtailed game that was reduced to 12 overs a side. Meanwhile, Hardik also claimed a wicket as Ireland posted 108/4.In return, Hooda led the team from the front with his unbeaten 47 off 21 balls as India won the game by seven wickets and 16 balls to spare. His innings was laced with six fours and two sixes. Interestingly, Hooda had come out to open the batting with Ishan Kishan in the match as Ruturaj Gaikwad suffered a calf injury.Topics mentioned in this article
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