Strange IndiaStrange India

happy dog

Photo: KDdesignphoto (Shutterstock)

We all love showing off pictures of our pets to anyone polite enough to ask—but if you’ve ever wished for an opportunity to take your obnoxious adoration of your pet to the next level, the time has come. This month, you can put a picture of your beloved pet on a billboard for free for you (and many strangers) to see.

Shoutable.Me is celebrating National Pet Month by giving all pet owners a chance to display their furry friends on any one of their more than 2,500 billboards across the United States. All you need is a picture of them and their name, and your name, email, and phone number.

Your billboard will play 10 times throughout the 15-minute slot you pick. Each time (called “shout times”) will last for six seconds.

How to get your pet’s picture on a billboard

There are four easy steps to do this: Pick your billboard location, pick a picture of your pet and a design template, select a time and date to display the picture, and confirm your selection. You have until May 31 to send your submission, but it can be set for any day throughout 2023.

Follow this link and select “get started.” Every state except Delaware, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, North Dakota, and Utah have at least one billboard in their state, with most having multiple. You can see the map of billboards here, and you can see a street preview from Google of each one. If you know you’ll want to take a picture of it, try to avoid one by a highway so you can safely pull over to watch (otherwise it will be challenging to time your drive past). Some billboards are off of regular streets and roads.

Select your design, upload your favorite picture of your pet, and write a custom message to go along with your picture. (This could be a great Mother’s Day message if you act fast enough.)

Once you’re done, go to checkout and promo code “LAMARPETMONTH” should be automatically added, giving you a $45 discount. The total should be $0.

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