Cannabinoids, the chemical compounds cannabis famously contains, are not only found in cannabis. In fact, there are both endocannabinoids, made by the body, and phytocannabinoids, made by plants. Humans have an entire system of receptors dedicated to interacting with cannabinoids—whether made by the body or coming from outside sources—called the endocannabinoid system, or the ECS for short.
While there’s still much unraveling to be done, science has started to break down how the ECS works to modulate hunger, body temperature, sleep, and other vital functions. It’s the basic reason why cannabis provides relief to some people for things like nausea and inflammation—its plant-generated cannabinoids interact with the body’s CB1 and CB2 receptors, which are found all over and influence bodily responses.
Not everybody who wants to signal their ECS for health reasons like potentially better sleep or increased appetite wants to get high, which brings us to other options besides cannabis. (By the way, in states with recreational cannabis programs, lots of cannabis-derived CBD products are properly tested and labeled to avoid THC contamination that logs over desired or stated levels—not something you’d get from most commonly available CBD products.)
Even if you’re willing to try weed, the cannabis landscape has never been more confusing—and as non-cannabis and/or synthetically derived supplements grow in popularity, some pointers are in order.
What is a cannabinoid?
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Scientists have long marveled at humans’ ancient ability to seek out plants that do stuff to our bodies—especially ones that target specific receptors for purposes like healing or intoxication. Cannabis is one of those plants, and you’re probably already familiar with THC and CBD, two of the most common and prevalent cannabinoids that have been “discovered.”
One study looking for phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids made by plants) defined them as “any plant-derived natural product capable of either directly interacting with cannabinoid receptors or sharing chemical similarity with cannabinoids or both.”
We’ve been smoking, eating, and meddling with the seven-leaved hero plant millennia before we started to figure out why, or how, it works in our bodies. Research is catching up as to how exactly we get higher from the plant’s hundreds of little-understood chemicals faster and better than isolated THC, and why we don’t get high from CBD or other cannabinoids at all.
What we do know is that the body has ready-made receptors to accept and interact with cannabinoids, be they from plants or the body itself. So far, there are two known types, CB1 and CB2, and they’re found all over the place, from the brain and nerves to visceral tissue in the abdomen and even the skin.
The body makes cannabinoids called endo-cannabinoids to influence body processes and target the CB receptors. When talking about this mechanism, people often refer to a “runner’s high”—when the body releases extra endocannabinoid anandamide into the bloodstream, boosting mood and increasing a feeling of happiness.
Cannabis makes phytocannabinoids, THC and CBD being the big ones but also THC-v, CBG, CBN, and other naturally occurring chemicals that activate the body’s CB receptors. THC is referred to in research as “the most potent phytocannabinoid activator of the CB1 receptor”and that’s how we get high, but other cannabinoids and other plant compounds can signal the ECS for other effects.
What other plants have cannabinoids
No matter what some marketing might say, THC and CBD are only found in cannabis plants, for now. Cannabinoids can be synthesized with other plant and chemical extracts, but they don’t occur in those forms in nature (or, if they do, those haven’t been discovered yet).
That doesn’t mean you can’t signal your ECS with other supplements if you are avoiding cannabis. While you can’t get a similar high from these plants, nor can you get therapeutic amounts from food, supplements exist with concentrated plant extracts that could have benefits.
Some plants contain what are called cannabimimetic compounds, and they are said to have similar effects to cannabinoids like CBD, but not THC. One big one is beta caryophyllene, which is a volatile aromatic chemical that is found in cannabis but also many plants, like clove and black pepper. Beta caryophyllene signals the CB2 receptor, and is being researched for pain modulation, for one thing.
Catechins in tea are another potential cannabis-like chemical. Anandamide, an endocannabinoid, exists in small amounts in cacao and truffles, but you won’t get a significant dose from eating those foods.
Echinacea, sunflower, and spilanthes are flowers that have cannabimimetic effects, like immune stimulation and (possibly) promoting sleep. While these flowers aren’t in the same family as cannabis flowers and don’t produce chemicals commonly thought of as cannabinoids, they may be able to influence CB2 receptors with their own plant chemicals.
Lots of other foods and supplements have potential as cannabimimetics. Our bodies can convert some omega-3 fatty acids into endocannabinoids, which might provide anti-inflammatory action. Dietary omega-3 is not too hard to come by, but supplements can help make sure you’re hitting targets. Another endocannabinoid-like chemical called palmitoylethanolamide (known as PEA), found in egg yolks, uses similar pathways to cannabinoids to signal the ECS.
Another interesting potential source of cannabinoids in food would be products from animals that eat cannabinoid-rich feed (some animal feeds contain hemp). While not known or quantified yet, this could be a supplement to the ECS overall by stimulating receptors, but definitely won’t be getting anyone high.
Non-cannabis/hemp-derived CBD or other cannabinoids might be synthetically created, so it’s important to understand if you’re looking for this type of product or its effects. One brand, called Peels, combines olivetol and orange peel to synthesize CBD, but most of the time it’s not clear how companies are creating synthetic cannabinoids, especially “hemp-compliant” delta-9 THC or delta-8 THC, so do your research before ingesting synthetic cannabis or cannabinoids.
Can you substitute cannabinoids with other plants, foods, or supplements?
Sort of. You can basically signal the ECS with other plants to mimic CBD and anandamide’s effects, but you can’t faux-signal THC, which gives some people better results for pain and other health uses.
If you’re looking for more cannabinoids, cannabimimetic compounds in food might have marginally low concentrations, but supplements will be more potent and possibly more reliable for use as a remedy.
Supplements like PEA in particular are being explored for their potential to signal the entourage effect, which is the major scientific key to unlocking how THC and the ECS work in the first place, so keep an eye on the research community if you have reasons to explore non-cannabis ECS support.
PEA, turmeric and/or curcumin, and fish or flax oil are all commonly consumed for health concerns like inflammation, something many people grab cannabis for. While these supplements may have some cannabimimetic properties, they could also have their own mechanisms for fighting pain, so you can sub in these supplements for cannabis to try for yourself, after checking with your doctor or pharmacist for contraindications.