Rakesh Asthana said the police managed to neutralise the shooters immediately.New Delhi: Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana on Friday admitted that there were lapses and promised action against those responsible for the security of a city court after a dramatic shooting inside left three people dead.”Two men dressed as lawyers opened fire at [gangster] Jitender Gogi inside the court. That’s when police retaliated and killed those two assailants. It’s not a gang war,” Mr Asthana told NDTV over the phone.”Police were present there. They countered it very swiftly. Yes, there was a security lapse. And we will definitely look into it. And will take appropriate action,” he said.”Right now, let the things be investigated. I assure you, I will not tolerate this lapse. Action will be taken against those responsible for the security of the court,” the police chief said.Asked about reports that metal detectors on one of the entrances were not working, he said, “The question on whether the metal detectors were not working in the court premises is a matter of investigation and I cannot comment on that at the moment.””As far as a woman lawyer being shot in the leg is concerned, I am yet to get details about the same. Will see when I get the details about that,” Mr Asthana said.”Delhi Police is doing its job seriously and that is why the shooter was successfully neutralised,” he added.Questions about security in what should be a heavily protected and sanitised zone are being raised after three gangsters were killed in a shootout inside a courtroom in Delhi that has left several people injured.In videos, gunshots are heard in court and policemen and lawyers are seen in a scramble in the building at Rohini in north Delhi.Gunmen dressed as lawyers barged into a court hearing and shot gangster Jitender Gogi thrice. Special force personnel escorting the gangster then fired back, killing both the attackers on the spot.Jitender Gogi, a notorious gangster involved in several criminal cases and jailed at Tihar since last year, was declared dead in hospital. A rival gang, going by the name “Tillu Gang”, had plotted to kill him when he was brought for his court hearing today, said the police.
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