The Keyboard
Today many of us are so much busy in our daily life that we don’t observe the things around us are in a good sense. We all have moved so much ahead in the time that we are no longer curious about anything. Our technology has improved to a greater extent than we are no longer want to come out of our comfort zone. Technology has indeed made up our lives very easy.
Have you ever thought of the fact that the article you are reading right now was typed, and that was no longer possible if there were no Keyboards?
Alright, It’s glad to assume that we were aware of that, but it is not all about using a keyboard. This article is something more and much to make you all curious.
Coming on to the question asked in the title that “Why Keyboard have random Alphabets?”
It’s the type of random question that I have asked to all, but no one was at all aware of it. However, I did my research, and after knowing the actual reason, I felt thrilled, and it’s the reason why this article was written.
So let’s explore from top to bottom.
A Computer Keyboard is one of the primary input devices used with a computer, similar to an electric typewriter. A keyboard is composed of buttons that create letters, numbers, and symbols as well as to perform various functions. It can also be thought of as an evolution of a Typewriter from that period of paper newspapers to this time of e-newspapers.
As now you know about how Keyboard came into existence, still the answer to the question I mentioned is pending.
Before opening the door to this question, I would let you all know something more about Keyboard before I reveal the answer.
How many Keys are there in a Keyboard?
Table of Contents
Desktop computer keyboard, such as the 101-key traditional keyboards or the 104-key Windows keyboards including alphabetic characters, punctuation symbols, numbers, and a variety of function keys.
I am also petty well sure that most of you were also not aware that there are two types of Keyboards: Basic and Extended. The Extended Keyboard may have additional keys and a design that varies amongst all the companies which are manufacturing them.
After reading many things about the Keyboard, now all of you are desperate about knowing the answer behind.
The reason dates back to the time of manual typewriters. When it was first invented, they had keys arranged on am alphabetical order, but people typed so fast that the mechanical character arms got tangled up. So the keys were randomly positioned to slow down typing and Key jams.
We should learn something more from this article about being curious always. No matter what might be your personal, your curiosity will always keep you in a much higher position.
This Keyboard had done its job and would always continue to do.
Finally, you all feel delighted now. Let me find some more exciting things for you all and till then remain curious.
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