One of several Neil Gaiman adaptations in recent years, Good Omens follows an angel named Aziraphale (Michael Sheen) and a demon named Crawley (David Tennant)—two celestial beings who become friends despite their obvious oppositions. Aziraphale and Crawley become pretty comfortable with their life on Earth, but of course their stability is short lived: The antichrist is born and signals the coming apocalypse, and the odd couple decide to work together in a desperate hope to save the world.
That’s the first season, at least. It’s not exactly clear what Good Omens Season 2 will be about—it was supposed to be a limited series initially, and the first season of the show covered the entirety of the novel—but the continued story appears to center around the archangel, Gabriel.
What book is Good Omens based on?
Table of Contents
Good Omens is based on the book Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch, by Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. It came out way back in 1990, and Gaiman and Pratchett had actually tried for years to adapt it for the screen. After Pratchett died in 2015 from complications of Alzheimer’s disease, Gaiman didn’t want to adapt the book without him…but Pratchett had planned a postmortem letter to tell Gaiman to finish it. Good Omens’ first season premiered on Prime Video in 2019 to positive reviews, and here we are.
How long is Good Omens?
It’s pretty short. Season 1 of Good Omens has only six hour-long episodes, and Season 2 is expected to be the same. There’s no confirmation yet of a third season.
Where and when to stream Good Omens Season 2
The second season of Good Omens premieres July 28, 2023, and you can stream both seasons exclusively on Prime Video.