WhatsApp launched emoji reactions on the platform earlier in May that allowed users to express their feelings toward a message with six different emojis. Now, the messaging service is said to be working on quick reactions for status updates on its Android app. The move would counter the likes of Instagram and Facebook Messenger. The feature has been spotted in WhatsApp for Android beta update, which is available via the Google Play Beta programme. Currently, it is not available to testers. The Meta-owned instant messaging app is also reportedly releasing an updated gallery view for its Windows desktop app beta.According to a report by WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp will soon allow people to respond to status updates with emoji reactions on Android. This would allow users to share responses about a particular status update quickly using eight emojis without leaving any comments. This functionality is already available on WhatsApp’s sister firms Instagram and Messenger. The messaging platform is said to be rolling out the update via the Google Play Beta Programme, with the beta for Android. The report comes with a screenshot showing the quick reaction feature for status updates, giving users an idea of what it might look like when it starts rolling out. Using reactions, WhatsApp users will be able to express their emotions such as like, love, laugh, and sadness.WhatsApp is said to bring eight emojis to use as reactions— smiling face with heart eyes, crying face, person with folded hands, clapping hands, face with tears of joy, face with open mouth, party popper, and the hundred points emoji. After reacting to a status update, the reaction aka emoji will be displayed as a status reply within the chat. The functionality is not yet available for beta testers and is expected to undergo changes before the final release.In addition to the quick reactions, WABetaInfo has also spotted the rollout of a redesigned gallery view on the WhatsApp beta for Windows app. This update is available to users who have installed the latest WhatsApp beta app for Windows 2.2227.2.0 from the Microsoft Store. As per the report, the new gallery view is similar to the one introduced on WhatsApp Desktop (Electron version) and the recently used stickers are said to be synced between the phone and the desktop app.
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