WhatsApp is reportedly working on a feature that will allow users to contact and receive support within a WhatsApp chat. The encrypted messaging service had introduced a similar feature for some beta testers on iOS and Android smartphones in March 2021, but it was eventually discontinued. WhatsApp beta testers on both platforms are now seeing the option to get support from the service via in-app chat again, suggesting that the feature could roll out to more users in the future. WhatsApp is also testing new animations for heart emoji on the latest iOS beta version.The feature to provide in-app support for users was spotted by WhatsApp feature tracker WABetaInfo, on version of WhatsApp for Android and version 22.2.72 of WhatsApp for iOS. Contacting the Meta-owned service by visiting Settings > Help > Contact us now displays a message to beta testers on both platforms that states: “We will respond to you in a WhatsApp chat.” WhatsApp contacts users via in-app messaging through its verified account, which carries a green tick mark to prove the message is actually from WhatsApp.The in-app support feature informing users WhatsApp will respond in a chat.Photo Credit: WABetaInfoReaching out to WhatsApp will also send technical and diagnostic information including the model number and settings on the device WhatsApp is installed on. The information is used to help diagnose an issue, and users can opt out of sharing these details with the messaging service. According to the feature tracker, this includes your network connection details (4G LTE, 5G or Wi-Fi) as well as the version of WhatsApp and your model number.Meanwhile, WhatsApp has begun testing new animations for heart emoji on the messaging app, which was previously spotted a month ago by WABetaInfo. Previously, a single red heart emoji would display in animated form for both sender and recipient, but the service is now testing the ability to animate other heart emoji on beta version 22.2.72 of WhatsApp for iOS. There is currently no word on when the feature will make its way to Android beta testers, or when WhatsApp will eventually roll out animated heart emoji to all users on the stable channel.WhatsApp is also reportedly working on new notification settings on iOS, which would allow users to manage notification sounds and choose which notifications they want to receive. Similarly, WhatsApp will also show users details of message reactions in an upcoming version of the app. The instant messaging service is also working on improving its inbuilt drawing tools for images and videos, including new pencil tools. The service is also working on a blur image tool that could be released at a future date.
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