Coronavirus pandemic has upended lives for people of all age groups, including kids of school-going ages. While a lot of students have turned to online classes and webinars in the past three months, some are now concerned over the delay in exams, reduction of the syllabus and the increased burden of assignments. Besides, there is no real date we know-when it would be possible for schools and colleges to start.
Most affected right now are the probably the batch of 2020, or the ones appearing for competitive exams this year. There’s a lot of uncertainty looming around the same. On top of that, they can’t see their peers or teachers, or do things like before which too, is stressful. The duty to counsel them lies in the hands of parents and immediate family during these tough times.
Remember, just as tough and cumbersome time it is for you, it is just as tough for the mini-adults who were hoping to carve out the first steps in their career. Here are a few things you must tell to ease out their fears: