Strange India All Strange Things About India and worldStrange India All Strange Things About India and world

The word yoga has two meanings, and both are important. The first is combined, and the second is samadhi. Until we connect with ourselves, it will be difficult to reach samadhi. In this world, there are two ways to live a worldly life, and the second is to become a monk and go towards salvation. Yoga learns both of these applications.

1. Yoga is not religion and faith:-

Yoga is not philosophy or religion; it is more than mathematics. Two in two, only four will come. You believe it or not, just try. Putting hands in fire will burn hands; it is not a matter of faith. Yoga is beyond religion, faith, and superstition. Patanjali has created eight steps to reach God, to himself, to salvation, or to say, to complete health. If you climb only one ladder, you will not have to push for the other, only insist on the first. Take the initiative to know that yoga is a scientific process to move towards that ultimate power. If you start walking, then you reach. These eight organs are – (1) Yama (2) Niyam (3) Asan (4) Pranayama (5) Pratyahara (4) Dharma (D) Dhyana (Sama) Samadhi. The above eight parts also have their sub-parts. Currently, only three parts of yoga are in vogue – asana, pranayama, and meditation.

2. Yoga is a science:-

Osho says that yoga is science. Is experimental science. Yoga is the art of living life. Yoga is a complete medical practice. There is a complete route – Rajpath. Just as Einstein’s name in the world of external science is Ramparri, similarly Einstein is Patanjali of the world of internal science. Just as the Himalayas are superior in the mountains, similarly yoga is also superior in all thoughts, laws, policies, rules, religions, and systems.

3. Yoga is skilled in actions:-

Tasmadhyam Yajyasava Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam-ge. Death means that mastery of actions is called yoga. Yoga and Gita discuss three types of deeds – Sukhram, Akrama, and Vikarma. There are three stages of skill in karma: – Understand karma, practice good karma or action, both these will bring skill in karma which will lead to success. If you have everything, but do not have peace in life, then you are a failed person. The Karmavan performs his karma efficiently. Efficiency in action comes from action plans. Planning is the sum. When planning, consider leaving the resolution of wishes. Then karma will get the right direction.

4. Yoga is liberating from karma bond:-

Yoga indicates the means of freedom from karma bondage. Liberation is not liberation from deeds, liberation from the bondage of deeds. Whatever action we do, it is necessary to be free from the bondage of impact on body and mind. As far as good influences are concerned, yogis want liberation from all forms of influence. With this liberation, the intellect and body remain latent. A person is neither afraid of fear and anxiety nor the environment has no effect on him. The consequences of karma are different from attachment and unsaid (shameless) expressions. Karma is called Band Bandha on the mind – it is called Karmabandha. This bond becomes a seed form in death and then takes root in the next life. Life is a cycle, so it is necessary to understand this cycle. Your future comes out of your thinking and your actions. One who understands this Karma Chakra also thinks to be favorable in Karma. Only by being responsible in karma, you get success in life.

5. How to become proficient in Karma:-

One has to do karma to get anything and there is no desire to get anything for it, it has to be done. Yoga and Gita show us the way to live in reality. Most people live with regrets of the past and imagination of the future. Yoga says that living in the present brings awareness. It is the awareness that gives right direction to our thinking. This is why we are motivated to do the right thing. One should study the truth of yoga and the tenacity and self-study of the law to become proficient in karma. Kriya yoga cuts the bond of karma. Yoga says that the body and mind do not have to be suppressed but it is to change. Its change will change life. If you feel that I am not able to give up my habits, because of which I am upset then do not worry. Add more ‘yoga’ to those habits and stay engaged. Results will come even if you do not want to.

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