Strange India All Strange Things About India and worldStrange India All Strange Things About India and world

Turmeric’s antioxidants prevent damage that can lead to Alzheimer’s. Even more importantly, some research shows that turmeric can reduce the synaptic marker loss and the accumulation of amyloids linked to Alzheimer’s development.we can realize the benefits of using it. It is readily available to us.we must use it in our recipe.


Turmeric tea has many medicinal properties, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It can contribute to cancer prevention. The National Cancer Institute has recognized Curcumin as an effective anticarcinogen, or substance that helps prevent cancer.


It can boost the immune system, even in people with immune disorders. It can moderate the immune system. Now a day we hear about immunity. People are conscious of their health. Turmeric can play a vital role in their health.


Lowering LDL (or “bad”) cholesterol can help reduce your risk of developing some severe conditions, including heart disease and stroke. Now a day heart disease is familiar to us .we can prevent this situation by the use of turmeric.

     We can drink turmeric tea to keep us fit. It can receive pain and inflammation without the side effects that even over the counter medications like NSAIDs can cause, such as internal bleeding, ulcers, and reduced white blood cell count.

Anyone can take benefit from drinking turmeric tea, mainly because it can boost the immune system and act as an anticancer agent.people with pain caused by inflammation can perhaps benefit the most. People who have diabetes or who take blood thinners should talk to their doctors before trying any turmeric supplement.


If we want to make turmeric tea at home, we have to follow the following steps:

1. We must boil 3 to 4 cups of water on the stove.

2. Add two teaspoons of turmeric and stir it.

3. Simmer for about 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Strain the tea into another container.

5. Add in honey, fresh lemon, or orange juice and milk to taste.

     In India, turmeric is widely used in all over the country. Cooking turmeric with oil can be called as a part of a balanced diet. Turmeric can reduce the symptoms of skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema.

      Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ), the bright yellow spice used throughout Asia for centuries.we can realize it’s usefulness. It has an ancient history of uses in cooking, fabric dyeing, cosmetics, and traditional medicine in China and India. Its potent ingredients, Curcumin, not only give turmeric. It’s a golden color, but also has a dazzling array of properties that are beneficial to health.

     We can use turmeric in our day to day life. The utility of turmeric is explained in Ayurveda. Our ancestors were using it in their daily life.we can use it to increase our immunity. If our freedom is secure, then our body will fight against infections, .we can purchase turmeric at an affordable price in India. It is available in India everywhere.we can see the benefits of turmeric this way. We must take care of our physical appearance. We must recommend others to use turmeric.we can spread the message of the benefits of turmeric. It will be good for the health of others.



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