Strange IndiaStrange India

Image for article titled What Are Your Unwritten Rules of Flying?

Photo: Matej Kastelic (Shutterstock)

If we’re going to collectively agree to be trapped in a metal sky bird for a few hours with a few hundred strangers, we ought to agree upon a few rules of the road. Or rules of the sky, so to speak.

When I say “rules” of flying, the first things that come to mind might be taking your shoes off in the standard security line, or your seatbelt sign flashing on and the pilot telling you to stay seated. Even if you don’t like them, those rules are codified and not up for meaningful debate. What I’m talking about now, however, are the unwritten rules of flying. What airplane etiquette should be universally agreed upon, but other people simply don’t understand?

I want to hear your conclusive stances on the correct etiquette for getting on and off the plane, the right time to use the bathroom, and whether or not we should all clap when the plane lands. Did you take a hard line during the great reclining seat debate of 2019? What about arm rest designation, taking shoes off, and how to generally not be that asshole during a flight?

I’m asking you, Lifehacker readers, to let loose in the comments: What are the unwritten rules of flying? After sifting through your responses, I’ll round up the best unwritten rules of flying to publish in a post next week. Hopefully we can all come to a common understanding about what does and doesn’t fly on a plane. Even if you disagree, you probably want to pay attention so you don’t end up being the next villain in a viral video. And if we all come to a higher understanding of what’s okay on a plane and at the airport, then maybe flying—especially in coach class—can suck a lot less.


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