The reel, shared by Humans of Bombay, has the octogenarian’s simple but moving journey in the caption.New Delhi: A short reel of an 83-year-old woman with her big family is winning hearts on the Internet.The reel shows the octogenarian approach a stool near a staircase at her Kerala home. On the stairs, her five sons, their wives and grandchildren are seen seated. In the background, the foot-tapping number, Roop Suhana Lagta Hai, plays. Right at the end of the reel, the woman waves her hand and all others follow in a gesture that has set off waves of ‘likes’ and ‘love’ reactions.The reel, shared by Humans of Bombay, has the octogenarian’s simple but moving journey in the caption.She describes growing up in a humble home and then marrying into a joint family where everyone cared for her. She then describes how her five children gave her a big family of her own, to love and to cherish.She moves on to narrate how her husband’s death after 53 years of their marriage left her alone. She then says how she ensures that once in a while, the whole family comes together under one roof, including her children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews. “I love seeing all of them come together, talk and laugh!,” she says.”At 83, my proudest achievement is having a big fat Indian family.”She says it was her grandson who came up with the idea of the reel.”In fact, a few weeks back, when we were all together we decided to make a small video. My grandson told me to come and sit on a chair and raise my hand-I agreed! It was a lot of fun!,” she says.”I am 83 now, and when I look back at life, I feel like I’ve seen it all, like I’ve lived it all! I’m not as active, but I’ve my friends, my family, and a routine. And every once in a while, I participate in making such videos. Life is actually pretty simple-just keep doing things that make you smile,” she says.The post, for many, is a reminder to make time for family and to spend priceless moments together.It has garnered a lot of love on the Internet for its simple message and an octogenarian’s moving journey.Click for more trending news
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