Strange IndiaStrange India

“I will soon be going to Delhi (to discuss cabinet expansion),” Mr Bommai told reporters.Chitradurga, Karnataka: Karnataka Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Saturday said he will soon be travelling to New Delhi to meet BJP central leadership to discuss the cabinet exercise, but maintained suspense on whether it will be expansion or reshuffle.He said the BJP high command will finally decide on who has to be inducted into the cabinet.”I will soon be going to Delhi (to discuss cabinet expansion),” Mr Bommai told reporters in response to a question.On whether opportunity will be given to seniors from the district, which has been subjected to “step motherly” treatment, he said, “it is not step motherly treatment, due to political situation, representation could not be given (to Chitradurga), will try to give representation.” Asked whether leaders who had resigned from the ministries following certain allegations (like K S Eshwarappa, Ramesh Jarkiholi) will be inducted as some of them have reportedly met party leaders, the Chief Minister said, “I can’t respond to guess questions… all aspirants make attempts, but finally it is the high command which decides.” Responding to a question on whether it will be an expansion or reshuffle of the cabinet, he merely said, “wait and watch.” Earlier, Mr Bommai on Tuesday had said that he will be travelling to New Delhi this week to discuss with the party leadership on the cabinet exercise.The Chief Minister has been under intense pressure for some time now over expansion and reshuffle of the cabinet not taking place to make way for the fresh faces ahead of assembly elections next year.Though there were reports of a cabinet expansion by filling in six vacant posts or some kind of reshuffle by dropping a few and inducting an equal number of new faces, even rumours of a Gujarat-like complete top to bottom overhaul of the state ministry, may take place, nothing has happened so far, and many aspirants feel it is “too late now” with polls fast approaching.(This story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is auto-generated from a syndicated feed.)

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