Strange IndiaStrange India

The video has garnered more than 90,000 upvotes and over 2,200 comments.Nature is filled with a lot of surprising scenarios and one breathtaking visual of clouds captured in a video has taken the internet by storm. Shared on Reddit, the clip shows a huge formation of clouds rolling towards a row of neat houses on an otherwise empty street. At first glance, the unusual cloud formation – known as arcus, or roll cloud – looks a bit like waves. The caption of the post read, “I was under the impression it was a tsunami I’ve never seen clouds like this before.”Watch the mesmerising video below: The location where the video was shot is still not known. Since being shared, the post has gone viral. It has garnered more than 90,000 upvotes and over 2,200 comments. Several internet users found the video “terrifying”. Viral Video | Man’s Video Showing One Million Strong ‘Frog Army’ Shocks InternetOne user wrote, “I’ve literally had apocalyptic nightmares that looked just like this while I’m holding the hands of my children.” Another said, “That looked like the massive planetary tidal wave in Interstellar. I legitimately screamed when I saw that in the theatres. This looks just like that. Absolutely terrifying and majestic!”A third user jokingly commented saying, “I’d be packing my car and getting the f*** out of there. I’ve seen Independence Day, I know how this ends,” while a fourth added, “I saw clouds like this once, while driving. Came around a bend and slammed on my brakes (like everyone else) because it legitimately looked like a huge wave was about to crash down on us. It was incredible. Really beautiful after I understood I wasn’t about to die.”Viral Video | Hummingbird Changing Colour With Every Turn Leaves Internet MesmerisedA roll cloud is a low horizontal, tube-shaped, and relatively rare type of arcus cloud. They usually appear to be “rolling” about a horizontal axis. Roll clouds form near the edge of thunderstorms when relatively cool air moves ahead into the warmer and damper air that’s feeding the storm. Click for more trending news

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