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Kareena Kapoor Khan made Suryanamaskar aka Sun Salutation popular when she confessed in several interviews how much she loves doing them. Ever since the traditional suryanamaskar in India has gone through several avatars and many have turned it into a fat burning cardio routine. But did you know there is also a Moon salutation aka Chandranamaskar? Varun Dhawan recently took to Instagram to share a capture of him practicing the exercise and for those wondering what it is and how it is done, here is a brief explainer

Suryanamaskar, as the name suggests, is related to the sun, meaning light and heat, whereas Chandranamaskar is for the moon, and is about meditation and being calm. Like the best time to practice sun salutation is morning, moon salutation is done in the evening to relax the body. It is also said to enhance sleep quality.

Chandranamaskar targets the lower body and is good for people who find it tough to rest their body weight on their arms. It helps stretch and strengthen all muscles groups, and also improves respiratory, circulatory and digestive systems.

So let’s understand how it is done:

Step 1: Stand straight in the prayer pose with your feet together

Step 2: Take your arms up and stretch as far and long as you can

Step 3: Arch your back and stretch your arms behind and pelvis out. Your head should be in between the arms

Step 4: Next inhale and bend to the left side

Step 5: Come back to the center and now keep your feet apart and pointed slightly towards the outside

Step 6: Exhale and bend your knees to bring them parallel to the ground in a squat position

Step 7: Place your forearm at a 90 degrees angle with palms facing you

Step 8: Raise from the squat and straighten elbows, make sure you relax the upper body and keep hands parallel to the floor

Step 9: Now take your left foot out and slide down on your left as you extend the right hand up

Step 10: Now try and touch your left knee with your head, as your hands relax on the left foot

Step 11: Now bend both your knees and get into a left lunge as you look to your left

Step 12: Next straighten your right knee and get into a forward facing lunge – bringing both hands in front of you, on the floor

Step 13: Do a deep sumo squat with feet firmly on the floor and palms joined in front

Step 14: Bend the right knee while straightening your left and so a forward facing lunge

Step 15: Get into a lunge on the right as you look to your right

Step 16: Repeat Step 7: Place your forearm at a 90 degrees angle with palms facing you

Step 17: Repeat Step 6: Exhale and bend your knees to bring them parallel to the ground in a squat position

Step 18: Repeat Step 4: Next inhale and bend to the left side

Step 19: Go back into the namaskar position, extend overhead and bend to the right side

This brings to the end of one sequence

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