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Twitter Thread Shows How Brand Names Sound Like When One Is Out Of Money 1
Many users even praised Mr Bhanot’s “amazing creativity”.A designer named Dinesh Bhanot has perfectly illustrated how brand names of famous food chains and luxury products sound or appear when one is out of money. Taking to Twitter, Mr Bhanot shared multiple edited logos of brands – such as Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Subway and New Balance – and gave it an interesting twist. “How I see brands when I’m out of money,” Mr Bhanot wrote in the caption of the Twitter thread, which has accumulated thousands of likes and comments. Take a look below: 2. Starbucks— dinesh (@dinesh__bhanot) January 9, 20234. Jordan— dinesh (@dinesh__bhanot) January 9, 20236. New balance— dinesh (@dinesh__bhanot) January 9, 20238. Sagar ratna— dinesh (@dinesh__bhanot) January 9, 202310. Faasos— dinesh (@dinesh__bhanot) January 9, 2023Internet users were quick to react to the now-viral thread. Some even shared their own versions of the brands. One user uploaded an edited logo of Nike, while another shared their version of Toblerone.— phoenix (@saiyamdoshi_) January 10, 202312. Toblerone— laiba zahid (@laibawwww) January 10, 2023Many users even praised Mr Bhanot’s creativity. “Petition to change the Original brand names to this masterpiece,” wrote one user. “This is gold,” said another. A third user commented, “no post has made me hit the like button faster than this one,” while a fourth suggested, “Put these on shirts/hoodies and start the business already.” Also Read | Artist Uses AI To Generate Gender-Swapped Images Of Celebrities, The Results Are HilariousOne user called the whole Twitter thread “elite” and added, “Truly amazing creativity.” Another said, “Creativity and thinking skills at peak.” Meanwhile, Mr Bhanot shared the edited images on Instagram as well, with the caption, “Stuck between ‘i need to save money’ and ‘you only live once'”. On the platform, his post garnered hundreds of likes and comments. Click for more trending newsFeatured Video Of The DayRRR’s Historic Win – Best Original Song Golden Globe For Naatu Naatu

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