The Indian cricket fraternity took to social media to bid Indian women’s pace legend Jhulan Goswami farewell after the third and final ODI against England at Lord’s, which was her final international match. Many cricketers and administration figures took to Twitter on Saturday to bid Jhulan farewell and congratulate her on a legendary career.Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) Women took to Twitter to bid farewell to the legendary bowler.”Records galore A legacy to be proud of Thank you @JhulanG10 #TeamIndia,” tweeted BCCI Women.Records galoreA legacy to be proud ofThank you @JhulanG10 #TeamIndia— BCCI Women (@BCCIWomen) September 24, 2022BCCI president Sourav Ganguly also bid farewell to the pace legend, saying that she will be a role model for women players for years to come.”A fantastic career .. befitting that it ended on a winning note ..and she left with a good series individually ..will remain a role model for the women players for decades ahead @JhulanG10 @BCCI,” tweeted Ganguly.A fantastic career .. befitting that it ended on a winning note ..and she left with a good series individually ..will remain a role model for the women players for decades ahead @JhulanG10 @BCCI— Sourav Ganguly (@SGanguly99) September 24, 2022BCCI secretary Jay Shah also thanked the bowler for inspiring the next generation of cricketers and serving Indian cricket for two decades with unmatched dedication and determination.”The greatest & most successful fast bowler in women’s cricket retires from int’l cricket after two decades of unmatched dedication & determination towards the game. Congrats @JhulanG10 on a phenomenal career with #TeamIndia. Thank you for inspiring next generation of cricketers,” tweeted Shah.The greatest & most successful fast bowler in women’s cricket retires from int’l cricket after two decades of unmatched dedication & determination towards the game. Congrats @JhulanG10 on a phenomenal career with #TeamIndia. Thank you for inspiring next generation of cricketers— Jay Shah (@JayShah) September 24, 2022A lot of Indian cricketers also congratulated Jhulan on a legendary career and gave her wishes for the next phase of her life.Former Indian batter Mithali Raj said that Jhulan’s longevity as a fast bowler is beyond belief.”Her longevity as a fast bowler in women’s cricket is beyond belief. We have played together since our Under-19 days & @JhulanG10’s commitment to the game & her eternal optimism are lessons for all. The Indian jersey will miss you. Best wishes for your future endeavours, Jhulu,” tweeted Mithali.Her longevity as a fast bowler in women’s cricket is beyond belief. We have played together since our Under-19 days & @JhulanG10’s commitment to the game & her eternal optimism are lessons for all. The Indian jersey will miss you. Best wishes for your future endeavours, Jhulu.— Mithali Raj (@M_Raj03) September 24, 2022Star Indian all-rounder Hardik Pandya bid farewell to the legend, tweeting, “Congratulations on a glorious career @JhulanG10 Such an inspiration to the entire nation with all your achievements. Wishing you a happy retirement.”Congratulations on a glorious career @JhulanG10 Such an inspiration to the entire nation with all your achievements. Wishing you a happy retirement— hardik pandya (@hardikpandya7) September 24, 2022Indian opener KL Rahul said that Jhulan is “one of the greatest ever to play the sport.”Promoted”One of the greatest ever to play the sport. Your love, passion and dedication for the game is an inspiration to many. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. @JhulanG10,” he tweeted.One of the greatest ever to play the sport. Your love, passion and dedication for the game is an inspiration to many. Thanks for all the wonderful memories. @JhulanG10— K L Rahul (@klrahul) September 24, 2022Taking to Twitter, Virat Kohli wrote: A great servant of Indian cricket. Congratulations on an outstanding career, inspiring so many women to take up the sport. Your grit and aggression always stood out. I wish you the very best. @JhulanG10.”A great servant of Indian cricket. Congratulations on an outstanding career, inspiring so many women to take up the sport. Your grit and aggression always stood out. I wish you the very best. @JhulanG10— Virat Kohli (@imVkohli) September 24, 2022Former India captain Sachin Tendulkar wrote: “Thank you for everything you’ve done for Indian cricket. Many congratulations on a wonderful career @JhulanG10.”Thank you for everything you’ve done for Indian cricket.Many congratulations on a wonderful career @JhulanG10.— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) September 24, 2022Goswami finished with 44 wickets in 12 Tests, 255 wickets in 204 ODIs and 56 wickets in 68 T20Is.Renuka Singh’s four wickets, Rajeshwari Gayakwad’s two-wicket haul and an all-round effort from Women in Blue helped India give Jhulan Goswami a series-winning farewell as they bundled out hosts for 153 in the third ODI against England at Lord’s ground on Saturday, winning the game by 16 runs.Topics mentioned in this article
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