Strange India All Strange Things About India and worldStrange India All Strange Things About India and world

Besides a lack of sickness and disability, physical, mental, and spiritual well-being is essential, which defines health. It is everyone”s duty to earn health. Health cannot be bought; it should be obtained. Health is as essential to the body as it is to the mind.

the following five principles are essential to maintain health

1)a healthy and balanced diet

2)internal and external hygiene 

3)a proper exercise

4)enough rest

5)disease prevention


here are five tips to keep mind healthy and active 

1)to develop intelligence 

2)cultivate good faith

3)being aware of the needs of others

4)achieving enlightenment 

the maintenance of mind is necessary, but the growth of our intelligence is essential for human existence and advancement. Human intelligence depends on the cerebral cortex, which is an integral part of our brain. The function is maintained and gained by eight different elements.

a) emotions b) memory c) thoughts d) decisions e) urge to find answers of questions f) ability to learn new things g) emotional attachments. h) risk-taking ability nature is essential for every person, but we each have a social environment. The kind of society is reflected in the culture of that society. Our dress, our customs, our festivals, our religions. Theses are considered different forms of our community. An organization that is in good health does not have to worry about the future.

We should take care of young and old peoples. The minds of young and diligent people are maintained. Everyone should cherish these values in their own family. the critical task of family organizations to nurture the next generation. 

The way to preserve the happiness of mind is to attain status and enlightenment through karma-, bhakti, and yoga. This ultimate goal of human life can be achieved in the state where the person is free from all kinds of suffering due to joys and sorrows of birth and death.

Meditation is the fourth step of our consciousness. Cleanliness is a state of spiritual being. Likewise, personal hygiene atmospheric cleanliness is also essential and mandatory.

Exercise is essential for achieving better health. the most critical factor in training is regularity. 

there are four types of exercise

1)stable 2) gait 3) handling balance 4) flexibility improvement –

after exercise rest is essential – rest boosts immunity 7-8 hours of sleep is necessary for everyone. It is essential to cultivate hobbies for at least 1 hour a day. Hobbies release natural energy from your body. Releases more dopamine and serotonin, which are mood elevators for healthy well being. In English, one phrase is their prevention is better than cure, so taking proper care of your physical and mental health is essential to avoid any negative results awakeness, deep sleep, and dreaming are three actions that everyone is familiar with and experiences. There are many ways and means to become rich by health. Spirituality and meditation play an essential role in maintaining the health of the mind and body. the person with more responsibility and less needs to be considered the healthiest person while the needy person is ill by physically and mentally

it is important to continually strive for a healthy life that requires you to maintain good physical and mental health.

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