Bonfires are a summer and early fall tradition. You might think they’re easy to throw together in a few minutes, but they can be tricky—and potentially dangerous. According to the Forest Service, out-of control campfires are the second leading cause of wildfires in the National Forest. And making a bit more effort will turn a mediocre bonfire gathering into a safe, fun time that you and your friends will fondly remember.
What do you need to make a bonfire?
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If you intend to light up a bonfire off private property (like at a local beach or in a park), you may need a permit. Find out how to apply for one at the government site that runs the beach or park—common options include your city or state parks departments. Besides a permit, you should also think about:
- Weather conditions: Of course, you want the sky to be clear, but also think about what the wind is like at your bonfire spot and if the temperature will drop a lot once the sun goes down.
- Wood and fire starter supply: You’ll need bricks and/or stones to enclose the bonfire, tinder (twigs, pine needles, bark, newspaper, etc), kindling (larger sticks), and fuel (logs). If you don’t have a pile of firewood to bring, decide where you’ll buy the wood. Often grocery stores near popular bonfire spots sell wood.
- Beach, park, or your backyard rules: Depending on where you live, you might have to ask permission to build a bonfire even in your backyard. Contact your local fire department to see if they have any requirements or safety instructions. The beach or park likely closes at a certain time, and bonfires may not be allowed after specific hours or seasons.
Some supplies to make building your bonfire a breeze:
Public bonfire spots can be popular, so you may also consider how crowded the place you want to go to will be and whether you need to get there well before sunset to get a prime spot.
What to bring with you to a bonfire party
A great bonfire isn’t one that you light and the set up is over. You want to create a cozy atmosphere to make the most of the work you’ve put in.
- Bring tarps and blankets: A blazing fire only provides so much warmth, so bringing blankets ensures that you won’t have to leave because people are cold. Tarps are good to put under blankets or mats before you sit down since the sand or ground could leech heat away from your body.
- Stock up on snacks: Stick to snacks that are easy to eat with your hands so that people don’t have to juggle a plate while sitting on the ground.
- Make clean up easy: Set up trash cans (or boxes or bags or whatever works for you) so people sort of clean up after themselves as the night goes on.
- Go all out: If you want to go all out, chairs, tables, speakers, and coolers will make your bonfire more comfortable and make it easier to hang out for hours.
You should also have a way to extinguish your fire quickly if it gets out of control. A bucket of water, an extinguisher, or a shovel and pile of sand can all be helpful.
How to properly put out a bonfire
People who leave trash are the worst—and people who leave smoldering fires are courting danger. Clean up after yourself and your friends (if they’re good friends, they’ll help).
- Pack up trash: Bag up all your trash and recycling and either put it in containers offered on site, or throw it in your trunk to dispose of at home.
- Put out your fire: Make sure your fire is as out as possible so that coals don’t start an unwanted fire after you leave. The Forest Service recommends that you drown the fire with water, mix the ashes and embers with soil or sand, and douse again with water. Touch with your hand to make sure the fire is cool enough to leave.