If you want an alternative that still mimics the soft feel and green of grass to some extent, consider moss. Yes, moss. Moss grows on practically everything—in fact, if you’ve been maintaining a grass lawn for a while you’ve probably had to excise some moss already. Moss is hardy, durable, and will create a soft, green carpet that’s nice to walk on. The key is to choose a moss native to your area. You might be able to literally take some moss from a nearby area and just plop it down in your yard. First, remove all existing plants, rake the ground, and water until it’s muddy. Then press moss plants into the dirt (bearing in mind you might need to stake them to hold them in place until they’re established). You can also create what’s known as a “moss slurry” by blending some moss (yes, in a blender) with some water and buttermilk, then “painting” the slurry where you want moss to grow. Once established, moss will take care of itself, though a little light watering is needed in hot, dry conditions.
Although it’s nice to walk on moss, it doesn’t tolerate a lot of heavy foot traffic. If you’re going to be walking on your moss a lot, consider installing a stone path of some sort.
Zones: Different moss varieties can be found across zones 2 to 9, as a rule.