Kajol shared this image. (courtesy: kajol)New Delhi: Ajay Devgn is all set for the release of his upcoming action thriller Bholaa. If the trailer is anything to go by, at its core the film is about a father who is ready to fight against all odds to reunite with his daughter. Even in real life, the actor takes his responsibility of being a father rather seriously. Ajay Devgn and his wife, actress Kajol have two children Nysa and Yug. In this age of social media, Nysa and Yug – like most star kids – are the cynosure of all eyes. In such a situation, Ajay Devgn has opened up about how he helps them deal with trolling, which is an unfortunate extension of social media. In an interaction with Filmfare, Ajay Devgn said, “You have to constantly explain to them that they shouldn’t be bothered by what they read online. The trolls form a miniscule per cent of your audience.”Expanding further on what he tells his kids, Ajay Devgn added, “Normal people have thousands of worries of their own to bother about films and film stars. They’d watch a trailer and if they like it, they’d perhaps watch the film. And after watching a film, they’d perhaps discuss it with their friends and family. I don’t think they’d post comments online about a trailer or a film. I’ve asked around and people have told me they’ve never done it. So, I don’t know how such negativity happens.”Ajay Devgn has also said that while he is not entirely happy with the spotlight on his children, he has come to make peace with it. “Yes, it does bother me a lot because you cannot change that. You really don’t know what to do. Because a lot of the time, there are some things written that are not even true. But if you react, they multiply. So, it is a tricky situation,” Ajay Devgn was quoted as saying.Ajay Devgn also said that like his wife Kajol, he too has come to learn a lot from their children. The actor said, “We learn a lot. In fact, the younger generation sometimes says such deep stuff. Sometimes they say such simple things—like they make the thing we are worrying about simple because their minds are not as complicated. They are like, ‘Just do this or that; what is the problem?’ This clarity and thought that today’s generation have is different and unique.”Meanwhile, Ajay Devgn, as mentioned above, is preparing for the release of his next film Bholaa. The film is a remake of the Tamil film Kaithi, which was written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and featured Karti in the lead role.Take a look at the trailer here:Ajay Devgn and Kajol have been married since 1999. They welcomed their daughter Nysa in 2003 and their son Yug in 2010. The couple last appeared together in the 2020 period drama Tanhaji: The Unsung Warrior.
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