Keeping adequately hydrated during a heat wave comes down to a simple rule: Drink lots of fluids. But even though just about every human alive knows this already, countless people still suffer dehydration every summer.
The rough rule for how much water you need per day breaks down to between 1/2 an ounce and 1 ounce per pound of body weight, but it varies depending on the temperature, what you eat (lots of foods are high in water, like watermelon, for instance), how much you exercise, and your specific body.
Water is the the fluid-of-choice for hydration, but you can drink sports drinks, coffee, soft drinks, and juices as well. Just be wary of alcohol. There’s a debate about whether and how much alcohol dehydrates people, but to be on the safe side, stick to water. At the very least, pair each beer with an ice water.
If you’re not sure if you’re getting enough water, the color of your urine is a good indicator. The more clear your urine, the more hydrated you are. Dark urine is your body saying, “drink more fluids, ya dumbass.”