Why Fall Is the Best Time to Power Wash Outside
Gardeners approach spring with an excited air of hopeful optimism—and they often approach fall with an exhausted determination to just get it done already. For that reason, we tend to…
All Strange Things About India and world
Gardeners approach spring with an excited air of hopeful optimism—and they often approach fall with an exhausted determination to just get it done already. For that reason, we tend to…
Photo: Lauren Bilboe (Shutterstock) The World Health Organization recently met to discuss an outbreak of Marburg virus in Equatorial Guinea, in Africa. The virus is related to Ebola and has…
Photo: Zivica Kerkez (Shutterstock) Lizards are truly underrated pets. Bearded dragons in particular are smart and friendly and fun to care for, so it’s no surprise that they’re popular family…
This week, the New England Journal of Medicine reported that at least 35 people in northeastern China have been infected with newly-named virus, Langya henipavirus (LayV). Given the last few…
Photo: goffkein.pro (Shutterstock) If you get periods, you know about pre-menstrual syndrome. PMS, as it’s usually known, is the collection of physical and emotional annoyances that can occur shortly before…
Image: MVolodymyr (Shutterstock) Avian flu is back in the news following an outbreak in the Midwest and Northeast, and the subsequent euthanizing or death of over 21 million birds since…
Photo: Kevin Dietsch (Getty Images) If you’ve been following the news lately, you may have heard about the Capitol Hill fox that bit a total of nine people, including a…
Photo: Lightspring (Shutterstock) Last week it was flurona. This week it’s something called “deltacron.” We’re primed to go “oh shit” when we hear about a new variant, because we’ve been…
Photo: Jarun Ontakrai (Shutterstock) Infectious diseases have always been an issue, of course, but since the coronavirus pandemic first hit America in early 2020, public concern over viruses and illnesses…
Photo: Timolina (Shutterstock) Stuffy summer evenings call for dinners that are fast, easy, and require minimal cooking—perhaps a salad, bread, and a charcuterie board piled high with your favorite cured…