How to clean suede shoes and bags the right way | The Times of India
Suede is one of the trickiest leathers to clean. The leather is mostly used for shoes, bags and jackets. As it’s a delicate material, it needs maintenance and good storage.…
All Strange Things About India and world
Suede is one of the trickiest leathers to clean. The leather is mostly used for shoes, bags and jackets. As it’s a delicate material, it needs maintenance and good storage.…
Initially, every relationship seems like a blessing in disguise. The love and the affection is something we want to cherish all our lives and you cannot imagine a world without…
As we inch closer to the last quarter of 2020, the pandemic continues to ravage globally. For billions of people across the world, the unprecedented spread of COVID-19 has resulted…
Animals are one of the most loyal creatures in the world. Besides being adorable and the most admired beings on earth, they can also be one of the most expensive…
In India alone, 1.31 billion people are asthmatics, out of which about 6 per cent are children. Source link
We have often heard that a pregnant woman should eat for two people, for herself and her baby. But overeating can lead to weight gain, which is also problematic. Here…
A romantic relationship between two people comes with grand promises and the determination to commit. Initially, when everything seems to fair well, it’s almost an unbelievable feeling. However, over time,…
You must all know that a person’s body language is the way to know their inner thoughts, even when they don’t literally say it. It’s a way how people express…
The recent cases of reinfection have once again brought the efficacy and safety of vaccines, under the scanner. It should be noted that given the accelerated timelines of vaccines which…
Books take us to places that we have dreamed about and visited in our imagination. Also, authors often create such wonderlands in their works that the readers are left spellbound…