There will be another pandemic. Thankfully, we already know what to do
A battle plan for dealing with the inevitable next pandemic already exists – but it will take money and staying power to use it effectively when it is needed Health…
All Strange Things About India and world
A battle plan for dealing with the inevitable next pandemic already exists – but it will take money and staying power to use it effectively when it is needed Health…
Although a knock-out blow against the virus is the ultimate goal, early vaccines may come with limitations on what they can deliver, according to Robin Shattock, an Imperial College London…
Chinese vaccine-maker Sinovac Biotech has said its COVID-19 vaccine candidate, named CoronaVac, has elicited an immune response in phase I/II clinical trials. The Beijing-based company also said the vaccine hasn’t…
Her idea revolved around mosquito spit. Building on the work of colleagues and other scientists, Manning, a clinical researcher for the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, believed…
ऑक्सफोर्ड यूनिवार्सिटी के जेनर इंस्टीट्यूट ने वैक्सीन तैयार करने के लिए अब बायोफार्मा कंपनी एस्ट्राजेनेका के साथ हाथ मिलाया हाल ही में वैक्सीन ChAdOx1 का छह रीसस बंदरों पर ट्रायल…
कैंसर विशेषज्ञ प्रो करोल सिकोरा ने कहा- हमें वायरस को धीमा रखने की आवश्यकता है, और यह अपने आप ही बाहर हो सकता है दैनिक भास्कर May 18, 2020, 07:35…