Four Questions to Ask Yourself Before Changing Careers
Dreaming of a career change is a near universal experience for anyone with a job, typically arising in the wake of repeated experiences with unfulfilling work, lackluster bosses, or a…
All Strange Things About India and world
Dreaming of a career change is a near universal experience for anyone with a job, typically arising in the wake of repeated experiences with unfulfilling work, lackluster bosses, or a…
Image: Nix Sensor Being a DIY redecorating fanatic is rewarding until you stumble at the finish line choosing the right colors for your projects. Or maybe you’re trying to touch…
I was a fully grown adult before I learned that identifying emotions is the first step to dealing with them. Now I keep a feelings wheel handy at all times,…
Photo: Pheelings media (Shutterstock) When my son was a toddler, I spent much of my day helping him navigate his big emotions. There was his outrage at having to wear…
Photo: fizkes (Shutterstock) As every parent knows, no two children are alike, and no one discipline strategy is guaranteed to work for every child. Given the diversity of personalities and…
Photo: Maridav (Shutterstock) You may have noticed that we are all surrounded by tech. We use it for work, for entertainment, and to keep in touch with our friends and…
There’s a big difference between dating and dating, like, seriously. You can go on a bunch of dates with one person over a series of months and not really be…
At some point in our childhood, we learn that living in a society means controlling certain emotions. We suppress, in particular, emotions we consider to be “negative”—fear, anger, jealousy, selfishness—for…
If you’ve ever felt a rush of intense emotion—whether a positive one, such as a surge of happiness, or a negative one, like a rush of anger—then you’ve probably also…
During difficult times, we often find ourselves defaulting to a single, dominant emotion, even when another might be more “logical.” For example, your default emotion may be anxiety, which is…