How likely are you to be infected by the coronavirus on a flight?
By Michael Le Page Face coverings and filtered air could help minimise risk of catching the coronavirus on a flightShutterstock / Sopotnicki Is it safe to fly with the coronavirus…
All Strange Things About India and world
By Michael Le Page Face coverings and filtered air could help minimise risk of catching the coronavirus on a flightShutterstock / Sopotnicki Is it safe to fly with the coronavirus…
By Michael Le Page Pancreatic cancer cellsANNE WESTON, EM STP, THE FRANCIS CRICK INSTITUTE / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY CT scans of 750 individuals show that people who are obese have…
By Michael Le Page Rat on cobbled street in cityEyeEm / Alamy We are changing the world in a way that favours animals such as bats – the source of…