50 of the Most Controversial Films Ever Made
1915 Film “The Birth of a Nation” Clip For decades, Birth of a Nation was presented to film students as a mildly problematic classic, an unavoidable landmark in cinema history…
All Strange Things About India and world
1915 Film “The Birth of a Nation” Clip For decades, Birth of a Nation was presented to film students as a mildly problematic classic, an unavoidable landmark in cinema history…
Nightbreed: The Director’s Cut (4/4) Boone’s Speech in Midian (1990) HD It begins with a nightmare: Aaron Boone (Craig Sheffer) dreams of Midian, a world of cackling and cavorting monsters—like…
Like a list of the “funniest” or the “anything-est” movies, a list of the most disturbing films is going to be subjective. Everyone says Requiem for a Dream is super…
Halloween is the first slasher movie. Yeah, I know about Black Christmas, The Town that Dreaded Sundown, Peeping Tom, Texas Chainsaw, and so on, and those flicks are awesome and…