Never Dry These Clothing Items on High Heat
Photo: Pixel-Shot (Shutterstock) Even though I’ve been doing my own laundry for 20-odd years, and laundry is at minimum a thrice weekly household duty of mine, there are some—okay, a…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: Pixel-Shot (Shutterstock) Even though I’ve been doing my own laundry for 20-odd years, and laundry is at minimum a thrice weekly household duty of mine, there are some—okay, a…
Photo: Tarzhanova (Shutterstock) The first time you launder a new item of clothing, you may go in with the best intentions—ensuring that you lay it flat to dry, or wash…
Photo: Zapylaieva Hanna (Shutterstock) They may seem like any other towel or rag, but those made from microfiber come with some baggage. For starters, some people hate—and we mean, truly…
Photo: New Africa (Shutterstock) When you’re trying to wash, dry, and sort through pile after pile of your family’s laundry, an organized and functional workspace can make all the difference.…
Photo: By Arturs Budkevics (Shutterstock) There are endless hacks about how to keep your white clothes clean without hard chemicals. Some suggestions include baking soda, vinegar, and even aspirin—which, fine,…
Photo: kevin brine (Shutterstock) A presumptuous houseguest is a houseguest that is unlikely to be invited back. No one wants the type of guest who assumes they have free rein…
Photo: Eurybia (Shutterstock) A classic way to keep your delicates in good condition through the wash (besides a full load on the delicate setting) is to throw them in a…
New, freshly washed towels are great…until you use one and find yourself covered in lint. Even after you wash them again (and again), this problem can persist. Blame this frustrating…
The humble dryer sheet may seem like the uni-tasker of the laundry room, but in reality, it can improve your life in myriad ways. Instead of discarding used dryer sheets,…
Photo: Anak Surasarang (Shutterstock) When you peel off your sweaty workout clothes, you may be tempted to just throw them in the laundry with everything else. But performance fabrics and…