This Is How Much You Need to Budget for Health Expenses
Photo: Josep Suria (Shutterstock) Thinking about our healthcare system gets me so worked up, I need to take a hit from the inhaler that I can barely afford. Although I’m…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: Josep Suria (Shutterstock) Thinking about our healthcare system gets me so worked up, I need to take a hit from the inhaler that I can barely afford. Although I’m…
Homeowner’s insurance is a recommended (and if you have a mortgage, required) investment in the security of your home. While these policies help mitigate significant financial loss in the event…
Photo: Denys Kurbatov (Shutterstock) While it’s true that inflation seems to be coming down since its peak in June, some things are looking to continue to increase in price this…
Photo: Minerva Studio (Shutterstock) Last year, hospitals had to start posting lists of the prices they charge for each procedure. The data wasn’t easy to access, and a serious flaw…
Photo: Kaspars Grinvalds (Shutterstock) Whether your health insurance is offered to you by an employer or you get it through the Affordable Care Act marketplace, most plans use the same…
Photo: Blue Planet Studio (Shutterstock) A third of all donations through the popular crowdfunding site GoFundMe are for medical care, which isn’t surprising considering that the U.S. has the highest…