Why You Should Take a Pre-Run Poop, According to Science
If you are a regular runner or cyclist, you are probably all too aware of the GI issues that crop up during a long workout or a race. Dealing with…
All Strange Things About India and world
If you are a regular runner or cyclist, you are probably all too aware of the GI issues that crop up during a long workout or a race. Dealing with…
Photo: life430683 (Shutterstock) Now here’s a crappy way to make $1,500: You can donate to the GoodNature Program, which takes stool samples from the public, which they use to further…
Screenshot: thatnextlevelgirl/TikTok It’s true that a diverse diet with plenty of plant foods is probably better for your gut than a crappy diet—but not for any game-changing, gut-specific reason. Your…
Photo: dersigne (Shutterstock) Look, sometimes you don’t have time to wait. Whether you want to poop now to be sure you won’t later, or you just need some relief, here…
By Alice Klein Intestinal tissue from pigs without (left) and with (right) a synthetic coatingJunwei Li, MIT A synthetic glue that sticks to the inside of the small intestine could…
By Alice Klein A model of beta-amyloidALFRED PASIEKA / SCIENCE PHOTO LIBRARY Alzheimer’s disease may be caused by the abnormal build-up of a protein in the gut that gradually spreads…