How to Win at ‘Digits,’ the New Wordle for Math
I’m convinced there are two kinds of nerds: word game people and number game people. The same thrill I feel at building letters into words, other people feel by manipulating…
All Strange Things About India and world
I’m convinced there are two kinds of nerds: word game people and number game people. The same thrill I feel at building letters into words, other people feel by manipulating…
Photo: Kuki Ladron de Guevara (Shutterstock) On March 14, the nerdier side of humanity celebrates Pi Day, a holiday that “commemorates the irrational, transcendent, and never-ending ratio that helps describe…
Illustration: Media Whalestock (Shutterstock) I…have…a confession…to make: I think that when you wedge ellipses into texts, you unintentionally rob your message of any linear train of thought. The written word…