Five Types of Checks You Should Never Cash
Paper checks are going the way of the dinosaurs—and fast. Only about .05% of payments are made by check these days, and as you might imagine most of those are…
All Strange Things About India and world
Paper checks are going the way of the dinosaurs—and fast. Only about .05% of payments are made by check these days, and as you might imagine most of those are…
Photo: Jonathan Weiss (Shutterstock) If you’re one of the more than 7 million people in this country who are “unbanked,” you know how hard it can be to live a…
When it comes to deciding how much cash you should keep in your checking account, the right amount depends on your financial situation. That being said, there’s a good chance…
Photo: Prostock-studio (Shutterstock) As with any type of resolution, actions speak louder than words when it comes to achieving your financial goals. Making personal finance progress requires taking concrete steps,…
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Photo: enciktepstudio (Shutterstock) Aside from your checking account, is there a good place to put your emergency cash so that it won’t be eaten up by rising inflation? Unfortunately, with…
Photo: Tania Kitura (Shutterstock) While it’s important to have some cash in your bank account, it’s also possible to keep too much cash on hand when you don’t really need…
Photo: Foxy burrow (Shutterstock) You might have heard of people “churning” through credit card welcome offers, but what about bank bonuses? Many banks offer $400 cash back or more when…