India Together: An eye for empowerment – 25 July 2011
Mritunjay Tiwary has brought eyesight to tens of thousands of people through his eye hospital in rural Bihar. But his vision of development extends much farther. Ruchi Choudhary reports. 25…
All Strange Things About India and world
Mritunjay Tiwary has brought eyesight to tens of thousands of people through his eye hospital in rural Bihar. But his vision of development extends much farther. Ruchi Choudhary reports. 25…
14 June 2011 – In the last century, penicillin was the wonder drug. In India, it was one of the most potent drugs to fight bacterial infections that otherwise killed…
The Hathkhola Medical Bank touches thousands of lives each year, quietly and determinedly led by Ashish Das’s self-belief. Ruchi Choudhary reports. 07 June 2011 – I came to know about…
31 May 2011 – The doctors are cheerful when they walk into Pradeep Aggarwal’s room. They crack jokes with the middle-aged man, who has been admitted into a posh south…
Women in Kashmir do not physically encounter violence as much as men do, but their feelings of helplessness and subsequent guilt resulting from the violence around them is taking a…
The child sex ratio continues to follow the worsening trend established over four decades ago. Demographers predict that India’s population will remain overly masculine for decades. Kannan Kasturi reports. 18…
The failure in India is the major reason why the UN cannot meet the Millennium Development Goal of halving the 2.6 billion in the world without sanitation by 2015. South…
Amidst a rising tide of reports of medical negligence in the media, the courts have stepped in to interpret laws in favour of patients, and to award large punitive damages.…
A family planning programme in Assam uses texts from the Holy Quran, encouraging husbands to accept sterilisation to promote the health and well-bring of their family. Ratna Bharali Talukdar reports.…
The Badaun district administration in UP is on a war-footing to convert all dry toilets and rehabilitate manual scavengers before the end of the year. Over the last few months…