How to Get on a Vaccine Standby List
Photo: Studio Romantic (Shutterstock) If you’re waiting impatiently for your turn to get a vaccine, you probably already know all the tricks to snag an appointment. (If not, we have…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: Studio Romantic (Shutterstock) If you’re waiting impatiently for your turn to get a vaccine, you probably already know all the tricks to snag an appointment. (If not, we have…
Photo: Phill Magakoe / AFP (Shutterstock) This weekend, the FDA authorized another vaccine for COVID-19, bringing the total number of options in the US up to three. While there are…
The world’s hopes for a reprieve from the pandemic were dealt a blow earlier in the week when pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca and Oxford University announced they had “voluntarily paused” their…
The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) is the world’s largest single vaccine buyer, procuring more than 2 billion doses of various vaccines annually for routine immunisation and outbreak response on…
GENEVA: The emergency authorisation of COVID-19 vaccines requires a “great deal of seriousness and reflection”, the World Health Organization said on Monday after the United States announced it was considering…
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday urged countries to join a global pact aimed at ensuring less wealthy countries have access to COVID-19 vaccines, warning about the risks from…
In Brazil, health care workers are on the front line of the coronavirus pandemic in more ways than one, treating patients but also volunteering to test some of the most…
Antibodies have become a familiar word in the pandemic era, perhaps suggesting they’re the best hope for keeping the deadly coronavirus at bay. But when crucial vaccine data was released…
शोधकर्ताओं का दावा- ठीक होने वाले मरीजों का दो बार टेस्ट किया गया और रिपोर्ट निगेटिव आई दवा खोजने वाले बांग्लादेश मेडिकल कॉलेज हॉस्पिटल के विशेषज्ञों ने कहा- मरीजों में…