Coronavirus prevention: Masks better than vaccines, says CDC director – Times of India
From development to delivery, we have been hearing a lot of COVID-19 vaccines coming our way. However, in the race to get our hands on the first vaccine, we are…
All Strange Things About India and world
From development to delivery, we have been hearing a lot of COVID-19 vaccines coming our way. However, in the race to get our hands on the first vaccine, we are…
We are all battling COVID-19 together. There are over 27.2 million cases globally, with India and US reporting the most cases of all countries. While a lot of places have…
Since the reading of pulse oximeter is fairly accurate, it may seem smart to keep the device handy in the following situations: 1. If you are suffering from any respiratory…
सैनेटाइजर में अल्कोहल हाथों पर मौजूद वायरस को मारने के लिए है, दिनभर सुरक्षा देने के लिए नहीं इसलिए साबुन-पानी से हाथ धोते रहें। फैक्ट्री में एक ही मशीन को…
कोलोराडो यूनिवर्सिटी के शोधकर्ताओं के मुताबिक, कोरोना के मरीजों में तेजी से रक्त के थक्के जम रहे हैं मरीजों की थ्रॉम्बोइलास्टोग्राफी कराकर ये देखा जा सकता है कि उनमें कब…