Why Alka-Seltzer Is a Cleaning Secret Weapon
Photo: Serhii Moiseiev (Shutterstock) It has probably seen you through indigestion and hangovers, but Alka-Seltzer can do more than settle your stomach: It can also help clean your home. In…
All Strange Things About India and world
Photo: Serhii Moiseiev (Shutterstock) It has probably seen you through indigestion and hangovers, but Alka-Seltzer can do more than settle your stomach: It can also help clean your home. In…
I don’t claim to be a great authority on bagels. I wasn’t even aware they existed until I moved from Aberdeen, Mississippi to Los Angeles at the tender age of…
Early in the pandemic, as people were desperately searching for toilet paper, I was whining about a far less critical asset: SodaStream canisters. They’d become impossible to source, and the…
If the Cult of Diet Coke were an actual cult, I would be its Squeaky Fromme (totally devoted, weirdly hot). Some of my earliest foodie memories are of pairing Diet…
Photo: Robyn Simms Johnson There’s a video going viral on TikTok this week in which user MandyVJones explains how you can make a drink that tastes just like Coke, but…
Photo: Mulevich (Shutterstock) For those who drink enough seltzer to justify the cost (and counter space), soda makers (like SodaStream, and those that followed) are a convenient way of getting…
Photo: PATRICK HERTZOG / Staff (Getty Images) Forget seeing a glass as half-full or half-empty. The best drinking-water-based test of your outlook on life is whether you’re shocked to find…
We’ve all wondered as we carry a bunch of mostly-empty glasses and mugs from the workspace to the kitchen: What would happen if I dumped these in my pothos plant?…