When and How to Take a Weed ‘Tolerance Break’
Increasingly permissive laws for cannabis consumption may have found you partaking much more frequently—even daily—but there are pitfalls to habitual use. One of the least serious but most annoying for…
All Strange Things About India and world
Increasingly permissive laws for cannabis consumption may have found you partaking much more frequently—even daily—but there are pitfalls to habitual use. One of the least serious but most annoying for…
Photo: Dmytro Tyshchenko (Shutterstock) You may have heard of “scromiting,” an informal name for cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome: a condition that causes uncontrollable vomiting after prolonged marijuana use. But it takes…
The only cannabis news that seems to make it into the mainstream tends to border on the sensational—Maureen Dowd “overdosing” on edibles; police departments issuing warnings about the “threat” of…